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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

District 834's transition from a junior high school to a middle school is bringing along many changes, including the addition of Pony Time, a study block surrounding lunches.

Pony Time study block instated soon

Mira LaNasa, Layout Editor May 6, 2017

With the freshman moving up to the high school next year many changes are being made. Among them, administration is looking into adding a flex period in which students can study and have a break between...

Assistant Principal Chris Otto says,"We are in the hiring process currently." The front of the high school’s exterior will remain the same.

New teachers transition to high school

Elise Luoma, Student Playlist Editor May 2, 2017

With the new construction and transition of ninth graders, more faculty is needed to cater to all students. As the transition plan has added new buildings to the existing school, the hiring process...

Molenda creates 'Pivot Stillwater' app for locals, tourists

Molenda creates ‘Pivot Stillwater’ app for locals, tourists

Emma Salmi, Social Media Reporter April 1, 2017

Stillwater resident, and former 3M employee Bob Molenda is working on creating an app called “Pivot Stillwater” for Stillwater locals and tourists. The app will help people to explore and see how...

District 834 spends $8.8 million on long range facilities renovations

District 834 spends $8.8 million on long range facilities renovations

Christian Anderson, Distribution Reporter March 31, 2017

  Feb. nine, the district approved the spending of $8.8 million for the renovations of Lake Elmo Elementary, Afton-Lakeland Elementary and Stillwater Junior High School. Among these renovations...

Conference system changes aim to serve all families

Jack Reinseth, Distribution Reporter March 30, 2017

The high school and junior highs are changing not only with what grade configurations there are, but with how conferences are being conducted. Secondary schools have veered away from the block conferences...

Some students dislike using the bathrooms because of other students “vaping”, so the administration is doing its best to reclaim the bathrooms. "[Students] shouldn't have to feel like they can't go to the bathroom because kids are vaping," Paradise says.

Admin updates new bathroom policies, monitoring in response to vaping, vandalism

Noah Ness, Read and Watch Team March 26, 2017

  Recently, a surge in the use of electronic cigarettes among teenagers has caused many schools, including Stillwater Area High School, to try different tactics to end the "vaping." E-cigarettes...


Alumnus McDonough encourages students to become involved

Abby Banks, Layout Editor March 20, 2017

Denis McDonough, former President Obama's Chief of Staff, visited Stillwater Area High School during periods two and three on March 15. As the uncle of one of the students at SAHS, and an alumni himself,...

Junior James Wagner and seniors Matthew Dietrich, Jennah Slayton and Hailey Concepcion pose for their last note in their serenade. “Overall, Student Council does a great job at generating excitement for the week and I am very proud of all the effort I’ve seen being put into making this week as wonderful as it can be,” Balok says.

BLAST week provides opportunity for community to come together

Mira LaNasa, Layout Editor February 17, 2017

Be Loving and Sharing Together week has been a tradition for many years. This year, BLAST week will take place the week of Feb. 12-18 and will feature both old and new spirit days and activities. Every...

All around district 834 signs displaying “Save Our Schools” are placed in yards and down streets. Community members are also showing support by tying a red ribbon on a tree or their vehicle. “Our community is weary from fighting for what we believe in and it is clear to us that after weeks and the too little two late 'Q' and 'A' sessions with Withrow and Marine this week it is clear that there doesn't seem to be an interest in listening much less acknowledging our perspectives," community member Lance Cunningham says.

Boundary changes enforced due to potential school closings

Megan Ramberg, Online Editor February 14, 2017

The familiar topic of Marine, Withrow and Oak Park closing in 2017 has been of discussion for over almost a year, and with new boundaries being enforced, there has been recent controversy. The 834...

Hockey Day glides into Stillwater

Hockey Day glides into Stillwater

Elise Luoma, Student Playlist Editor February 9, 2017

The 11th annual Hockey Day Minnesota made a presence in downtown Stillwater. This event involves various games from high school, university alumni, college and professional hockey teams. It is broadcasted...

College In Schools program may be at risk

College In Schools program may be at risk

Noah Johnson, Distribution Reporter January 12, 2017

Students across Minnesota may not be able to get free credits for college anymore, since the College in School program throughout Minnesota has the possibility of shutting down. The College in Schools...

Transition team considers Pony Time study block next fall

Transition team considers Pony Time study block next fall

Kayla Gjerde, Social Media Reporter January 6, 2017

  The school administration is considering a 45 minute flexible period in the middle of the day on Wednesdays during five day weeks. This is a decision the transition team will have to make...

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