BLAST week provides opportunity for community to come together
Be Loving and Sharing Together week has been a tradition for many years. This year, BLAST week will take place the week of Feb. 12-18 and will feature both old and new spirit days and activities.
Every year Student Council hosts BLAST week around the middle of February. Student Council decides which spirit days are put on as well as what activities will take place.
This year BLAST week will feature pajama day, Valentine’s Day colors, patriotic day, throwback Thursday/decades day and tie dye/rainbow day. While pajama day and patriotic day are nothing new to SAHS, they are crowd favorites.
“I think PJ [pajama] day and patriotic day generally attract the largest percentage of participation. I think that is largely attributed to the fact that a lot of people have patriotic clothes (patriotic day is also open to countries other than the Unites States) and pajamas [are] readily available,” Emera Balok, senior and Student Council President said.
When organizing BLAST week every year, Student Council decides activities as well as spirit days, however every year Valentines serenades are organized. The serenades allow for students to send their teachers, friends or significant others a fun song around Valentine’s Day in class.
“The officers of orchestra host auditions where the different groups audition for the serenades. The money goes to the concert orchestra organization. We use it to go towards the tour that we will be taking in March to Pittsburg,” senior Emma Pelletier explained.
Junior James Wagner is hoping to take part in these serenades this year with his group consisting of seniors Matthew Dietrich, Jennah Slayton and Hailey Concepcion. He described the audition process as lengthy but fun.
“Jennah chose the song Lucky by Jason Mraz. It’s a fairly simple, cute song and has a theme of love. For me, personally, it has been a good way to begin to sing music. The song is challenging at times to find my pitch, but with the help of my serenade group, especially Jennah, I have never been overwhelmed. It was, and is, a great choice for the occasion,” Wagner said.
Although it is difficult to estimate the amount of revenue produced by BLAST week in the average year, most of the money that is produced is given to a good cause.
“I couldn’t say the exact numbers for how much money BLAST week generates since each year we try out new events, be that revenue generating events, or ones that require us to spend more,” Balok said. “Generally, the vast majority of the money we make goes towards BLAST grants that Student Council gives out to teachers to help pay for things in their classrooms, such as new materials and fun additions to learning experiences.”
While BLAST week will be a fun and exciting opportunity, Student Council finds it difficult to inform students about upcoming activities.
“The most common obstacles when planning these events are communicating with students and community members to participate. We try to organize well in advance and talk to people in our community who would like to come and speak, but regardless of how early we start we always seem to be figuring out important details until the very last second,” Balok explained.
Despite this, Balok is looking forward to Be Loving and Sharing Together with her peers to celebrate talent and kindness.
“Overall, Student Council does a great job at generating excitement for the week and I am very proud of all the effort I’ve seen being put into making this week as wonderful as it can be,” Balok said.

Mira LaNasa is a senior and a Print Editor-in-Chief of the Pony Express who manages the photography department. She was born in South Korea and now lives...
Hailey Buelow • Apr 3, 2017 at 9:12 pm
I think that this article was very good and covered all of the information about BLAST week in a very organized way, and it flowed very nicely. As a reader, I didn’t have any unanswered questions about BLAST week or feel as if there were any missing pieces to the article. The people interviewed were great options because they were part of BLAST week themselves, and again, the article flowed very nicely and was easy to read.
Ellie Speedling • Mar 29, 2017 at 10:25 am
This article did a good job of explaining what BLAST week is and why Stillwater has done this for many years. The quotes were great as well as the photos. Overall, a good article to read!
Olivia Knox • Mar 28, 2017 at 6:39 pm
I really enjoyed this article, but the best part was the quotes. The quotes were very descriptive which shows you asked very good questions.
lauren gella • Mar 28, 2017 at 12:11 pm
I really enjoyed reading this article because it informed me what the point of blast week really is and most likely did the same for many other readers. There was a great use of language and links and all students were informed about something that directly relates to them.
Abby Banks • Mar 28, 2017 at 11:40 am
I loved this article. It was so fun to learn about all the planning which goes into BLAST week each year, and the serenades were cool to learn about! Maybe it could have had more student council quotes.
McKenzie Bohlig • Mar 28, 2017 at 11:37 am
Very good overall explanation. The quotes are vey explanatory and in-depth and the fact that they’re from different perspectives adds value to the story. Also the links are very strong, I liked how you linked an article from a previous year to support your statement that it’s a tradition.
Hannah Drake • Mar 28, 2017 at 9:45 am
This article does a very good job of explaining what BLAST week is. Be loving and sharing together, Many people do not even know why the school does this every year and this article tells you why. The photo captions were also well written, used a variety of quotes throughout the story and none overlapped with the photo captions.
Evan Klein • Mar 28, 2017 at 9:16 am
The article has a lot of facts and very good and informative interviews the story is succinct and to the point.
Teagan Andrews • Mar 28, 2017 at 8:20 am
Very informative and the quotes help tie the story together. Very well written.
Jack DeGonda • Mar 28, 2017 at 7:36 am
I was part of a serenades group, and It was a great experience. I thought it was very satisfying to embarrass people in front of class, but that is just my opinion. This story was written with such care and accuracy that it really got the point across, well done.
Jesse Zelaya • Mar 28, 2017 at 6:32 am
I really love how organized this article is. It would perfectly explain what BLAST week is to someone who is unfamiliar with the concept. It provides insights from both students and planners, and the quotes are very good.
Ellie Faeth • Mar 27, 2017 at 11:24 pm
As a lover of BLAST week, I am glad this article has a positive tone, because not many people appreciate BLAST week. The article really digs deep in identifying what BLAST week is all about.
Megan Ramberg • Mar 27, 2017 at 10:48 pm
I love how you turned a simple topic into a long, detailed article with a ton of information. Very well written.
Maya Aflakpi • Mar 27, 2017 at 9:40 pm
I really liked this article because it is good at showing what goes on during BLAST week. It was very well written and did not just talk about the same thing over and over. I also liked how it said the student council didn’t always do the best job at informing students what would happen during BLAST week which I kind of agree with. Overall very good article!
Payton Filipiak • Mar 27, 2017 at 8:40 pm
I enjoyed reading this article. It provided depth in many areas of BLAST week, including the serenades and the planning that goes into BLAST week. Overall, it was well written and fun to read.
Payton • Mar 27, 2017 at 8:37 pm
I enjoyed reading this article. It provided depth in many areas of BLAST week, including the serenades and the planning that goes into BLAST week. Overall, it was well written and fun to read.
kayla gjerde • Mar 27, 2017 at 7:44 pm
This article had a ton of great information. I had no idea where the money went to for the serenades and the BLAST week in general. I like how you interviewed people from the Student Concil. Overall a good article.
Emma Lowey • Mar 27, 2017 at 6:51 pm
I think this article gave a good description of what BLAST is for people who aren’t aware. The quotes were incredibly strong and provided a lot of detail to some of the events. Although the article could’ve talked about some more things going on during the week, it gave great descriptions of the events listed.
Emma Salmi • Mar 27, 2017 at 3:19 pm
I really enjoyed reading the article. The quotes were very informative. I think it was well written and gave good background information of what BLAST week is.
Kalley Lewis • Mar 27, 2017 at 10:40 am
I really enjoyed reading this article. It did a great job of explaining what blast week is along with supporting it with really nice, strong quotes. . It kept me interested the whole time.
McKenna • Mar 25, 2017 at 6:27 pm
I really liked this article and how that the author interviewed Student Council members to really capture what BLAST week was like behind the scenes. Also, the quotes are really strong and the article was very organized! It was a fun article to read and very well written!
Kaitlyn Launderville • Mar 15, 2017 at 7:50 pm
I really enjoyed this article. The quotes really supported the article and the quotes had a strong tone to them! I really liked how you described student council and what it is too. Very well written article.
Ashlyn Aarness • Mar 11, 2017 at 6:13 pm
The article was well written and fun to read. The headline was on the longer side, and could have been shortened. Overall, good quotes and really organized.
Alex Ehde • Mar 6, 2017 at 9:41 pm
I really liked how organized this article was. It wasn’t short and it wasn’t overwhelming. It provided great background on how BLAST week is organized and how the student council tries to make it a very fun week for the students and teachers. The quotes were very informative. The title I felt was too long.
Hannah Larson • Mar 4, 2017 at 2:12 pm
The article was very well written, and the quotes that were used were informative and helped the story along.
Hailey Laubscher • Mar 3, 2017 at 10:25 am
I really liked this article. I think that the headline of the article is a little bit long but I think that the article was really strong because of the good quotes and tone. I really liked that the author interviewed Student Council members to really capture the spirit of BLAST week. I liked how there was a twist in the article about some of the struggles Student Council faces, which was a different take on the article.
Katie Tanski • Mar 2, 2017 at 12:45 pm
I really like the quotes in this article they are very throe. I also really like how passionate this writer speaks about student council.