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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The high school’s Concert Orchestra performed at SEC led by Orchestra Director Jerry Jones. The orchestra performed The Barber of Seville by Gioachino Rossini, Rhosymedre by Vaughan Williams and Firebird by Stravinsky.

Jerry Jones returns to lead Concert Orchestra fall quarter

Sam Hart, Video Editor November 21, 2020

Jerry Jones returned to his former job as a high school orchestra teacher this fall. Former orchestra teacher  Zach Sawyer and his fiancee decided to move back to Boston to see his family.  “His...

Sophomore Madelyn Puhrmann practices her violin at home. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all musicians are forced to stay home and practice alone, making coordination between the members of the entire music group difficult.

COVID-19 closures force music auditions online

Austin Fierro, Online Editor April 25, 2020

Following the stay at home order by Governor Tim Walz, all public schools were asked to close until May 4. This caused many school-sanctioned activities to be modified or canceled, including music auditions....

Concert orchestra works through a musical piece while be lead by director Zach Sawyer. The group leaves for Boston March 28.

Concert orchestra explores music in Boston

Chas Morgan, Layout Editor March 11, 2019

As the orchestra students prepare for their trip to Boston, Mas. their teacher and director, Zach Sawyer is just as excited as they are. Sawyer, who has been Stillwater's director for the past four years,...

Corbett plays her way to the top

Corbett plays her way to the top

Aubrey Kelley, Photography Editor December 3, 2017

                                Alternative Copy Story by Aubrey Kelley Sophomore Penny Corbett has been selected to play violin for the Minnesota Youth Symphonies, which she describes...

Vogel looks over her lines within her practice binder. “I’m glad we’re doing Grease. I think the whole cast is having fun with it,” Vogel says. Students are smiling and their energy and excitement can be felt during practice. The show will be a lot of fun to watch.

Sophie Vogel stars in ‘Grease’

Mira LaNasa, Editor-in-Chief October 20, 2017

Senior Sophie Vogel’s day begins at 6:10 a.m., and ends later than 12 a.m. She wakes up, goes to school, orchestra, work, rehearsal and finally home to study and do homework. All of this work is...

"I believe the trip went really well. I'm very proud of everyone and wouldn't want to have done it with anyone else," Curl says. The National Orchestra Festival was a wild success this year. Each group was given feedback and advice and now they will come back and capitalize on it.

Concert Orchestra performs in Pittsburgh

Nicholas Gag, Social Media Editor April 7, 2017

“I learned that months of preparation can really pay off in amazing ways. I also learned that on 14 hour bus rides, you really get to know people on another level,” senior Rachael Curl said. The Concert...

Orchestra conductor Zach Sawyer conducts his first concert in the Stillwater district.

Zach Sawyer conducts first orchestra concert

Sam DiStefano, Photographer December 7, 2015

As the orchestra students walked on stage for the first time on Nov. 12, they were nervous. For some it was their first time playing on this stage. But this was also the first time Zach Sawyer has...

Jones retires after 39 years of teaching

Jones retires after 39 years of teaching

Cory Spawn, Broadcast Managing Editor April 30, 2015

  Each morning around seven o'clock, orchestra teacher Jerry Jones walks past a sign saying, “Enter these doors with an unrelenting sense of urgency,” followed by members of Concert Orchestra...

Photo by Sarah Junko 
An elementary violin player was invited to play a tuning note. Taking the role of the concert master. “Kids are kids and they respond to good music similarly. It was necessary for all of us to be open and welcoming as the young students were no doubt a bit nervous,” said Director Jerry Jones.

Varsity and Friends provides heartwarming entertainment

Dan Gorman, Distribution Reporter March 24, 2015

The Varsity and Friends orchestra concert was a concert that allowed elementary kids to not only watch the high school's Varsity Orchestra play, but also to play alongside them. This concert gave the...

Romportl auditions for All-State

Joey Costa, Advertising Editor February 25, 2015

In people's minds, all-state in any sport is a huge achievement. This is also true for the music department and all the students. Just like throwing the ball or whacking a puck, playing the strings is...

Annual winter concert brings chills, in a good way

Amelia Schneider, Copy Editor January 14, 2015

The winter concert on Dec. 21 and 22 was Stillwater Area High School’s annual concert of holiday music and entertainment. Six ensembles performed. Three of the six are prestigious “Concert” groups...

Photo by Amelia Schneider  Concert features an eclectic jumble of music from the four different orchestra ensembles. Each group plays a variety of music, from Mendelssohn to Mozart to Rutter. Junior Jonathan Luk, Concert Orchestra member, practices after school to prepare for the concert. Sophomore Ava Coleman commented, “The pieces [Symphonic Orchestra plays] are kind of a mix of music. They seem fairly simple but have certain aspects to them that needed to be tweaked and mended.”

Relentless focus assures satisfying success

Calli Clay, Social Media Editor December 9, 2014

As the auditorium lights went down and the stage lights went up, the crowd silenced and the symphonic orchestra opened with Norman Leyden's Serenade for Strings: Prelude. On Nov. 20, Stillwater...

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