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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Jawahn Cockfield wrestling last year. Hoping he can repeat it for the 2020 season.

Many Wrestlers may not find glory due to Covid

Jayden Leach, Student Playlist Reporter December 8, 2020

Covid has affected Stillwater wrestling teams championship contending season. The recent order from Governor Walz on November 21 to temporarily shut down due to the recent spike in covid cases, the team...

Yearbook advisor Laurie Hansen runs three different computers all at the same time. One has the design program, the other has a database to look up student contacts, and the small laptop is for emailing yearbook staff.

‘Kabekonian’ pulls off another first place prize

Bella Godfrey, Online Editor December 3, 2020

The 2019-2020 Kabekonian has earned yet another first place prize by the student yearbook staff, led by language arts teacher Laurie Hansen. COVID-19 has affected how the awards ceremony works, but that...

The portrait wall at MIA, on the third floor, contains many different types of portraits.  Some are self portraits that are very realistic and others are more abstract portraits of others.

Teens visit Minneapolis Institute of Art

Katie Kangas, Layout Editor December 3, 2020

Teens visit the Minneapolis Institute of Art, MIA, throughout the year to see a variety of art styles that appeal to diverse audiences.  Visiting as a student creates the opportunity to find interactive,...

Top: With board-member Mike Ptacek on the left, Super-Intendant Malinda Landsfelt speaks at the November 19 School Board Meeting.
Bottom: Principal Rob Bach gives a video update last spring to students before jumping into distance learning.

Leadership in a time of pandemic

Alex Steil, Online Editor-in-Chief December 1, 2020

“Depending on what’s going on with school board meetings and decisions being made, sometimes I’ll get 100 to 300 plus emails [a day] from families and community members and staff,” Interim-Superintendent...

Andrew Jurek works at a construction site during the summer.

Elementary teacher continues family business

Zach Olson, Broadcast Editor November 28, 2020

As the summer comes to an end students, teachers and parents all get ready for change. For middle school teacher Andrew Jurek, known as Mr. Jurek by his students, the change is more extreme. Like a lot...

Andrea says this is her favorite art piece. Her art style is unique and abstract. Andrea often does not make self portraits, yet her skills prove she is able to create any piece of art beautifully.

Andrea Kaiser rises in popularity on TikTok through art

Emma Wagner, Copy Editor-in-chief November 28, 2020

As she presses the publish button, senior Andrea Kaiser smiles and relaxes. A new TikTok video will help boost her following and her rising art business. Although her new video is only half a minute, her...

Senior Schuyler DuPont swims at sections on Oct. 24 at Stillwater Junior High. She recently verbally committed to Cornell for swimming.

Schuyler DuPont juggles academics, athletics to commit to Cornell

Mairin Torgerson, Photography Editor-in-chief November 27, 2020

At the True Team State meet, senior Schuyler DuPont ended her 500 meter swim and slapped the timing pad. The ultimate goal was to be around five minutes and when she looked at the scoreboard and saw the...

Coach Scott Christensen and runner Ethan Vargas have a conversation at a meet. The relationship between a coach and runner is very important.

Boys cross country team heads to State

Adrianna Garcia, Distribution Reporter November 26, 2020

  Despite the unexpected Covid-19 pandemic, the boys cross country team is still up and running. With many differences and challenges within this year’s season, nothing caused these boys...

The high school’s Concert Orchestra performed at SEC led by Orchestra Director Jerry Jones. The orchestra performed The Barber of Seville by Gioachino Rossini, Rhosymedre by Vaughan Williams and Firebird by Stravinsky.

Jerry Jones returns to lead Concert Orchestra fall quarter

Sam Hart, Video Editor November 21, 2020

Jerry Jones returned to his former job as a high school orchestra teacher this fall. Former orchestra teacher  Zach Sawyer and his fiancee decided to move back to Boston to see his family.  “His...

Members of Stillwater's Young Democrats make cookies for the Vice Presidential debate. The Young Democrats watched the debate to be educated and learn more about their candidates Vice President. It is important to stay educated on politics by watching, reading, or listening to the news.

Transfer of presidential power necessary for peace

Luci Miller and Calli Dierkhising November 20, 2020

America’s future is riding on the election results of Nov. 3 and the direction our leaders will take. Many Americans believe with the division the country is experiencing, that a peaceful transition...

Tik Tok in the hallway

Tik Tok creates community

Katie Kangas, Layout Editor November 9, 2020

Students have used Tik Tok as a way to come together and create these last few years.  With the threat of Tik Tok being banned by the U.S. government for security concerns, people have been left wondering...

Sharing music one way, many screens during the COVID-19 pandemic. People have had to take a different approach in listening to live music.

COVID concerts, music in chaos

Rachel Palmer, Layout Editor November 9, 2020

“Live music... has a powerful message of unity between all people that is very important during these times", music student Ella Goette said. Students feel online concerts during the COVID-19 pandemic...

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