Girls hockey team gears up for strong season as a strong team

Photo by Ava Fugate

Stillwater girls hockey team season 2020-2021. “My team never lets an opportunity slip by us and we work very hard as a team on and off the ice,” Betsy McGineley said.

The girls hockey team can be described as resilient and determined. There are many different personalities on the team making for a fun time for the girls, but they all have a great work ethic and work very hard on and off the ice. The coaches make sure they stay hard working and only expect 100% effort everyday.

Sophomore Kylie Ligday described the team really coming together and working as a team in one of her favorite moments in the season so far.

“One of my favorite moments from this season was playing gentry. They were our toughest opponents and we beat them in overtime,” Ligday said. After they won 5-4 they all met in the middle of the ice for a huge group hug she described as “the best feeling.”

Up until their game in the beginning of February against Roseville, the girls team were undefeated.

 “I believe the loss against Roseville will be our only loss because all of us players and coaches reflected on the game and pinpointed where we need to do better and we are going to apply that moving forward,” junior Betsy McGineley described about coming back from the loss.

The team feels very confident that will be their only loss if they put in the work needed. Due to COVID-19, the sport has changed a little. Masks are required at all times when players are active or not. Social distancing is required on the benches and when in a huddle or speaking to the referees. The team has been having a harder time with that especially that they cannot do their warm-ups together and have to get dressed at home alone.

“Challenges we have faced are not being able to be together before games due to COVID and sometimes it causes us to have a slow start and we have had to overcome that,” junior captain Sydney Scheel explained. 

The team has been doing their very best with the new regulations and circumstances. Even without being able to do as many team bonding things this year the team is still as much of a family as it always has been. The respect and kindness for one another is displayed throughout the team no matter where they are.

Ligday said this about her upperclassmen teammates, “I look up to the upperclassmen. They are all very good friends to me and I respect them on and off the ice. I have been friends with juniors Syd Scheel and Syd Shuster for many years and respect them as people.” 

The girls hockey team has had a very successful year with 6-1. Their dedication is shown throughout their games most weekends and some weekdays while having practice almost every day for up to 2 hours. The team of young girls is filled with positive energy and determination to win.