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The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Carolyn Leopold, Kelly Lindquist and a coworker pose during a retirement ceremony held by the Stillwater Public School District in May.

District recognizes 62 retirees at Lake Elmo Inn

Henry Jansen, Distribution Reporter June 10, 2021

The Stillwater School District recognizes their reputation is earned through the hard work of its staff, so it took a moment this year to recognize its retirees. Some of whom have worked for the district...

Photo by Julia Bennett

Peer helpers continue progression

Julia Bennett, Social Media Editor-In-Chief April 22, 2020

Social studies teacher Michael Kaul founded peer helpers last year. Since then, they have not only grown in members but in their work and outreach through the community. With added structure and leadership...

Community  members can look online to see when the school board meetings are happening. The community can go to these meetings to hear recommendations of the CDT and voice their opinions and recommendations.

Community team pushes new recommendations for upcoming meeting

Rachel Duerr, Online Editor February 15, 2020

Changes in a school district are inevitable. As a community and school, there are many needs that need to be met involving financial and physical updates. A large part of these changes revolves around...

The Wellness Center is available for all students who want to make healthy lifestyle choices and for those who want to improve their overall well-being.

Teens glorify eating disorders

Paige Sanders, Photography Editor-in-Chief December 10, 2019

It is often mistaken that eating disorders result from choice of lifestyle. Eating disorders are classified as an illness rather than a choice. Disordered eating is highly associated with teenagers...

Freshmen Kendall Bajda, Eva Stafne, and Amelia Venzke hang out before the bell on a Friday morning. Rather than utilizing the Friday as a help day, they are waiting for the first bell to start their  seven hour school day.

Four day school week proven more beneficial

Olivia Wavamunno, Podcast Reporter November 22, 2019

Within the past couple of years, Colorado schools―district 27J, as well as many others, have implemented four day school weeks rather than five. While some have found the change to bring some inconveniences,...

Members of the Mock Trial meet to discuss this year's case at Eckberg Lammers' office. The team meets here on Tuesdays at 4 p.m. to work.

Mock Trial defamation case underway

Dylan Stormoen, Copy Editor November 29, 2018

The Minnesota State Bar Association brings to life another case for the 2018-2019 Mock Trial teams across the state. While working with the case of Hayden Brooks vs. Cahill Monitor, Stillwater's Mock Trial...

Boutwells Landing senior living home is not enough for the town of Stillwater, as the city council passes a 60 million dollar project to build a new and improved senior living care facility. "If there is over-crowding and if people need a place to live with the necessary care they need, then I believe it is our cities job to provide that for them," senior and Liberty resident, Maria Vitale said.

Plan for senior living facility near Liberty passed

Kathleen Billingsley, Copy Editor May 12, 2016

Stillwater continues to innovate as they pass the plan for a senior living facility to be built near the township of Liberty in Stillwater, MN. As the baby boomer generation continues to reside...

Jacob Kosyakovsky graduates abnormally young

Jacob Kosyakovsky graduates abnormally young

Annie Seiler, Online Editor May 7, 2016

For most, graduating high school on time and ensuring that all of the necessary credits are taken care of can be a challenge at even 18 years old. From gym to art, the availability for wiggle room...

Seasonal affective disorder is largely due to a lack of vitamin D. It's especially common in states with long, cold winters, like Minnesota.

Seasonal Affective Disorder, more than winter blues

Dylan Foster, Field Reporter February 10, 2016

Winter Blues The winter blues come and go for some, but are much more severe in others. Many people who live in the cold regions of the world can develop a condition in which too little sun can cause...

Obama needs tougher gun laws

Obama needs tougher gun laws

Brian Jaap, Layout Editor November 18, 2015

The spectrum is extremely wide when it comes to the control of firearms. For centuries, people have had differing views on whether a person's firearms should be controlled by the people or if the...

Paving the future for upcoming lawyers

Paving the future for upcoming lawyers

Katelyn Weisbrod, Head Copy Editor April 8, 2015

The six-month mock trial season wrapped up on March 6. Stillwater placed second overall at the Minnesota state competition. This is the second year that Stillwater has had a team. Seniors Nick Sabin,...

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Michael Kaul