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The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Social studies teacher Jason Caballero wears a Black Lives Matter pin on his lanyard. It is a subtle way of showing that he and his classroom are welcome to everyone. A pin is one of many forms of teachers showing their support for Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter attire worn by teachers seen as welcoming

Mason Buck, Broadcast Editor November 20, 2020

Teachers should be allowed to wear Black Lives Matter attire. With the recent world and political events, everybody has been feeling more politically opinionated, which has sparked some teachers to wear...

Dr. Keith Mayes presents to Seniors March 2 in the auditorium. In his presentation, Mayes addresses the importance of respecting diversity in the community and eliminating microaggressions.

Mayes addresses cultural issues to build brighter community

Sandy Liu, Distribution Reporter March 4, 2020

Spreading awareness of racial issues and disparities, closing the achievement gap and ending toxic climates in communities. These are the goals of Dr. Keith Mayes, Professor of African American and African...

Freshman Chance Swenson works on his I Time project. He plans to share this with his team in the up-coming weeks.

B.A.R.R. program improves freshmen relationships

Dylan Stormoen, Copy Editor May 10, 2019

Ninth grade students began filling the halls in August 2017. As the school and its student population grew larger, teachers and staff have been working to create a close-knit community amongst the students,...

A band called Joint Pain, played at Tuttle's on March 10 to help raise money and awareness for opioid overdose prevention.

American opioid addiction problem claims many lives

Nathaniel Willius, Distribution Reporter April 15, 2019

Every three weeks, drug overdoses claim as many American lives as the terrorist attacks on 9/11. Opioids are responsible for 64 percent of these deaths. To help prevent this, organizations such as the...

Four years ago Stillwater had one of the worst absenteeism rates in the state of Minnesota. Now, unexcused absences are decreasing while excused absences are increasing.

Chronic attendance still a problem despite detentions

Paige Speedling, Distribution Reporter February 28, 2019

Attendance had been an issue four years ago. Slowly, unexcused absences have been diminishing, while excused absences have been increasing. In the 2015 to 2016 school year, Stillwater had one of the worst...

This fall, administration implemented a new cell phone policy to decrease distraction in class.

New cell phone policy decreases distraction in class

Taylor Lee, Distributive Reporter September 15, 2018

There is a new cell phone policy this year. It was put into place after much careful consideration from a committee of teachers and staff. Assistant Principal Matt Kraft headed the committee last spring....

FlexiSCHED has students log in with their school email to track attendance.

FLEX Time utilizes new FlexiSCHED software

Gavan Townsend, Camera Editor September 15, 2018

The administration has changed the way FLEX Time works in their recent iteration that is going to take place during the 18-19 school year. Students, teachers and staff have wanted these changes to occur...

Junior Maleka Hussein stands in front of "no cell phones In the restroom" sign after exiting the ladies restroom. You can find these signs all around the school.

Stricter cell phone policies implemented this fall

Paige Speedling, Distribution Reporter September 13, 2018

This last fall, administration updated and changed the cell phone policy. Students are only allowed to have their phones on them in passing time, lunch, before and after school and when it serves a...

District 834's transition from a junior high school to a middle school is bringing along many changes, including the addition of Pony Time, a study block surrounding lunches.

Pony Time study block instated soon

Mira LaNasa, Layout Editor May 6, 2017

With the freshman moving up to the high school next year many changes are being made. Among them, administration is looking into adding a flex period in which students can study and have a break between...

Some students dislike using the bathrooms because of other students “vaping”, so the administration is doing its best to reclaim the bathrooms. "[Students] shouldn't have to feel like they can't go to the bathroom because kids are vaping," Paradise says.

Admin updates new bathroom policies, monitoring in response to vaping, vandalism

Noah Ness, Read and Watch Team March 26, 2017

  Recently, a surge in the use of electronic cigarettes among teenagers has caused many schools, including Stillwater Area High School, to try different tactics to end the "vaping." E-cigarettes...

Staff Editorial: vandalism occurring in bathrooms increasing

Staff Editorial: vandalism occurring in bathrooms increasing

Pony Express Staff February 14, 2017

One of the problems at school is vaping and vandalism in the school's bathrooms. This problem has raised concern for some of the staff. Not only is it an illegal activity, it is also negatively impacting...

Attendance policy reinforced to improve attendance

Attendance policy reinforced to improve attendance

Kayla Gjerde, Social Media Reporter October 13, 2016

This year the administration has made a more strict attendance policy. Students receive an orange warning slip if they are tardy once, and after two tardies they receive 30 minutes of detention after...

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Matt Kraft