Art classes provide avenue to express creativity

Sophomore Peter Wilhelmi enjoys art classes high school has to offer and continues to learn new skills. Graphic design class expands his talents and interests in the arts.
There are many young adults drawn to the arts. High school art classes have much to offer to striving students. Many students are inspired to learn the basics and improve their current art skills at a young age.
“When I was really young, my mom signed me up for art lessons in the back of a Korean art studio,” senior Marianna Arndt said. “They did step by step lessons.”
Very few students have taken art classes prior to their current ones in high school. While Ardnt began art at a young age, she continues to attend art lessons outside of school and improves her skills as time passes.

“I really like art classes because it’s something you can do that’s creative in schools,” Wilhelmi said. “I also like learning new skills.”
Art classes embrace creativity and new ways of problem solving for students. Many students that have taken previous art classes, will learn and improve their skills to create well made pieces of art.
“Every artist has to start somewhere, so no matter how bad your drawings are, you can make a career out of it,” Ardnt said.
Any student that enjoys art will improve over time with plenty of practice. Art is an easy way to see improvement as opposed to other classes. Drawing subjects that people can see will create different and unique perspectives in a piece.
“You just get to draw and to listen to music. There’s no wrong way to do something,” freshman Maria Delwich said.
Delwich enjoys taking art because this can improve her creativity and there are less mistakes to make. A majority of art classes make students feel comfortable in expressing their passions and sharing them in class.
“It’s fun to have a different class from other classes and it’s fun to draw things your interested in,” sophomore Joseph Young said. “Some of the cons are that you don’t always get to draw things you want to.”
Young enjoys drawing class because it’s different from his regular classes. There are many art classes where students are assigned certain subjects to create pieces from them which can be a downfall for some students.
“My number one problem is that a lot of people don’t take art classes because they’re interested in the art, but they’re interested in taking an easy class,” Wilhelmi said.
There are many students that take art classes for the level of easiness. However, this can agitate certain students that are passionate and continue to strive to become outstanding artists. Wilhelmi explains that he had issues with this when he previously took video production classes.
“The main thing I learned is that art is really hard but it can be really stress relieving,” Arndt said. “It teaches you to try harder on everything.”
A majority of students find art to be stress relieving and many stressed students benefit from this time. Considering that a majority of high school students are under much stress and pressure from their normal classes, art will take that pressure away.
“It’s like the two sides to a coin,” Ardnt said. “sometimes you just have to accept it won’t turn out the way you want the first time and have to try again.”

Chloe Squires is a junior at Stillwater Area High School, where she is involved with The Pony Express Newspaper and National Honors Society. Within the...
Ellie Faeth • Jan 17, 2018 at 9:48 pm
The article goes in-depth into a topic that is not well known at Stillwater, therefore making it an interesting read. The author did a nice job with this. Great range in the interviewees’ ages.
Rosalie Braun • Jan 16, 2018 at 11:41 pm
I like all the different people you interviewed and got different takes on how they saw art. There were a few repetitive words but other than that great job!
Hailey Willius • Jan 16, 2018 at 8:38 pm
Overall the structure of the story was great. Some of the quotes flowed perfectly into the next paragraph, while other were a bit rough. Alt copy was a great touch and gave a wider sense of the art course than the photo gallery. Lastly the word students was use to a point of annoyance but that can be difficult to cut down usage on considering the story itself. Minor nit picky stuff and an amazing story.
Rose Deziel • Jan 16, 2018 at 8:34 pm
The alternative copy and traditional story were both really well done. I enjoyed how you focused on the students, however, it would have been a nice addition to have information about the different classes and what they have to offer. Also, it would have been cool to include a quote from a teacher. Overall, the story was great!
Kaitlyn Kirby • Jan 16, 2018 at 2:04 pm
I thought the Alt copy looked very nice and organized. I like how they were many different pictures of artwork from a variety of classes. The story was very well written and was full of great quotes. It was interesting to hear why students enjoy art and how it differs from other classes. I thought the last quote was a great way to end the story.