Theatre seniors look towards their future

Belle Lapos, Layout Editor

For some students, finding their passion is a big part of who they are and who they are becoming. Whether it is a sport or activity, it can be hard to give up. For many, this passion is the theatre program. Seniors Courtney Rodd and James Bresette have been in theatre for most of their lives. They are both graduating, they look towards their own futures in theatre.

For Courtney, she said that she does not see her “life without theatre in any way possible.”

Courtney explained that she plans “on majoring in marketing. Right now, I’m trying to decide for school to minor in theater or maybe double major. I haven’t decided yet but I really want to keep it in my life.”

James has experienced a similar draw to theatre as he looks toward his future. He said that he will “be doing theater for probably the rest of my life, even if it’s just community theater.”

James is currently undecided, his plans on pursuing theatre remain constant. James is on his 28th show and Courtney is on her 21st, there is no end to their theatre pursuits any time soon. Courtney and James have been in theatre since fifth and sixth grade. Over the years they have formed a friendship that has grown through the theatre program.

Senior James Bresette said “I will for sure be doing theater for probably the rest of my life, even if it’s just community theater.

Although Courtney rarely gets the typical “stage fright”, nerves still come and go with each performance.

“James and I always do a handshake for before shows,” Courtney explained. ” We also do this handshake before Choir but it all started because of Chicago last year.” It is this handshake that prepares her for each performance and combats her nerves.

“James has been one of my best friends since sixth grade or seventh grade. I met him through theater and we have a really great friendship that has strengthened through the years,” Courtney said.

In the upcoming program, James and Courtney will play the lead roles in the musical “Newsies”. James is playing Jack Kelly and Courtney as the role of Katherine, they are both “really excited to be leads together” Courtney explained.

For Courtney, the role of Katherine has been a dream role of hers for a while and she is “very excited to have it” as she explained. Although she has never had the role before, Courtney said, “during COVID, I had a slight obsession with Newsies” and is a big fan of Katherine’s character.

For both Courtney and James, there has been a draw to theatre that has kept them in the program for as long as they have. “I think it was just kind of fun to do it! It was a mixture of three things including dancing, singing, and acting that I really enjoyed. The performances are always fun, but it’s also the most nervous thing I’ve ever done.” James explained,

Both Courtney and James look toward their final year in the Stillwater theatre program, there are endless possibilities for what is to come for their futures.