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The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

EIC Column: peer counseling program long overdue

EIC Column: peer counseling program long overdue

Abby Banks, Print Editor-in-Chief November 6, 2018

With three deaths within three years in the Stillwater school district, the ISD 834 school board finally took the initiative to create a mental health program for middle and high school students. It's...

FlexiSCHED has students log in with their school email to track attendance.

FLEX Time utilizes new FlexiSCHED software

Gavan Townsend, Camera Editor September 15, 2018

The administration has changed the way FLEX Time works in their recent iteration that is going to take place during the 18-19 school year. Students, teachers and staff have wanted these changes to occur...

Alternative Copy Story by Ben Valerius

Adult advocate time redundant for seniors

Hannah Boardman, Editor-in-Chief January 10, 2018

Since flex time premiered at the beginning of the year, Adult Advocate days have been few and far between. The few there have been, however, have had specific activities for the senior class that differ...

Flex time activities keep students engaged

Flex time activities keep students engaged

Ike Gunderson, Online Editor January 4, 2018

This year flex time was implemented and the focus is equity and students finding their passion. The overwhelmingly positive response raises the question: What are kids doing during flex time? The Pioneer...

17 events that characterized 2017

17 events that characterized 2017

Malaina Fragnito, Student Playlist Reporter December 28, 2017

2017 has been a year of change, devastation followed by hope and success. From events that impact the whole world to things that impact the community of Stillwater, many things have happened this year. This...

School rolls out Flex Time program

School rolls out Flex Time program

Cassie Ales, Layout Editor October 19, 2017

In addition to the new building expansions and upgrades and a larger school student body, students can also expect a change to their schedules with Flex time; a free period of 40 minutes which will...

District 834's transition from a junior high school to a middle school is bringing along many changes, including the addition of Pony Time, a study block surrounding lunches.

Pony Time study block instated soon

Mira LaNasa, Layout Editor May 6, 2017

With the freshman moving up to the high school next year many changes are being made. Among them, administration is looking into adding a flex period in which students can study and have a break between...

Transition team considers Pony Time study block next fall

Transition team considers Pony Time study block next fall

Kayla Gjerde, Social Media Reporter January 6, 2017

  The school administration is considering a 45 minute flexible period in the middle of the day on Wednesdays during five day weeks. This is a decision the transition team will have to make...

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