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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Varsity girls soccer game plays a home game against Cretin-Derham Hall, which ended in a tie.

Girls varsity soccer team dominates with determination

Delaney Clendenen, Podcast Editor and Public Relations Editor November 15, 2021

With only two ties, three losses, and over 13 wins, the girl's varsity soccer team make their way to finals. It took not just the individual talents and efforts, but overall efforts and talents. Doing...

Junior grader Lucy Siedschlag swims the 100 yard butterfly at a dual meet against Park. Siedschlag takes a deep breath as she fights for first place with a time of 1:05.97.

Girls swim and dive team thrives after 2020 season

Kennedy Tope, Podcast Editor and Online Editor October 15, 2021

The 2020 ponies swim and dive team refused to be nothing less than great despite the restraints of the pandemic. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, two practices were held and masks were worn when swimmers...

Photo submitted By Joseph Krenz.

Covid football season concluding to an end

Ella Gag, Social Media Editor-in-Chief December 26, 2020

The football team got off to a strong start even this COVID-19 season. The season was originally supposed to start in the spring, but it was moved back to the fall. However, the season is shortened due...

Junior Riley Buxell celebrates his winning goal for the section championship against Park. This win was just one of many for the boys soccer team, unfortunately they will not get the chance to compete for a state title.

Boys and girls soccer team’s trip through sections

November 26, 2020

“With Covid we had a reduced schedule for the regular season, and unfortunately we didn’t get a state tournament,” junior Riley Buxell said. The girls and boys soccer teams both took the win at the...

Varsity football is suited up and ready for one of their first games. Players are concentrating on  one of their plays.

MSHSL impacts fall sports season

Ella Metcalf, Broadcast Editor November 3, 2020

The Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) held a meeting on Sept. 21 regarding various concerns about how COVID will affect the 2020-2021 sports season. At this meeting, there were activists, athletes...

Members of the Ponies girls cross country team celebrated their conference championship with Coach Podolske. The Ponies would go to capture fifth place at the State meet.

Podolske finishes 38th season coaching cross country

Derek Berg, Video Editor December 4, 2018

For 38 years, the girls cross country team has been lead by coach Dawn Podolske. In this last season, the Ponies captured the conference title for the first time since 2000 along with a State tournament...

Nordic skiers that participate in nordic skiing primarily do cross country and mountain biking for their fall sport.  Cross country and biking helps maintain the endurance and muscle needed for the intense work needed for nordic skiing.  The girls nordic team is doing a light warm up to get ready for practice.  “Including captain practices for me I usually get a weekend between sports,” sophomore Siri Bohacek said.

Athletes transitioning from fall to winter sports

Cole Lebourgeois, Copy Editor November 18, 2015

Managing one sport can be a challenge all in itself, yet some athletes take on multiple sports at once. Students do fall sports, and once that sport is done, they move right onto their winter sport. Students...

Consistent server Briana Momchilovich ('16), contributes tremendously to the success of the team with her accurate serves.

Volleyball spikes up success

Sara Stickler, Online Editor October 29, 2014

Those Mizuno labeled balls bumping around the high school gym are starting to come to end as the season comes to a close. The  girls volleyball team has done nothing but persist, which created a successful...

Coaches prioritize concussion prevention

Dennis Toenjes, Video Editor October 14, 2014

Concussion Rates in high school sports across Minnesota have been growing at an alarming rate and Stillwater Area High School contributes to this trend as well. Concussions are brain injuries caused...

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