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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Seventeen Republican-controlled state legislatures pass laws that further limit their constituents' ability to vote in upcoming elections. Supporters say that it will increase voter confidence in our elections, while social activists say that it is an attempt to suppress minority voters.

Republican state legislatures pass voter suppression laws

Jasmine Z. Allison, Social Media Editor October 13, 2021

After the 2020 presidential election, 17 Republican-controlled state legislatures have passed laws that further limited their constituents' ability to vote in upcoming elections. Republican supporters...

NBC News live streamed the impeachment trial when it was in session. On the left side is where the impeachment managers are and on the right is Trump’s defense.

Trump’s second impeachment should prove him guilty of insurrection

Michelle Cruz, Student Playlist March 6, 2021

Former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial began on Feb. 9 due to the violent attacks in the Capital on Jan. 6. The trial took four days with the final decision, "not guilty." However,...

Members of Stillwater's Young Democrats make cookies for the Vice Presidential debate. The Young Democrats watched the debate to be educated and learn more about their candidates Vice President. It is important to stay educated on politics by watching, reading, or listening to the news.

Transfer of presidential power necessary for peace

Luci Miller and Calli Dierkhising November 20, 2020

America’s future is riding on the election results of Nov. 3 and the direction our leaders will take. Many Americans believe with the division the country is experiencing, that a peaceful transition...

The previous Supreme Court Justices on Nov. 30, 2018. In the front row, second from the right is Ruth Bader Ginsburg who passed away recently. Her seat is waiting to be filled. Front row L-R: Justices Stephen G. Breyer and Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Samuel A. Alito. Back row L-R: Justices Neil M. Gorsuch, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Brett M. Kavanaugh.

Trump nominates new Supreme Court Justice

Morgan Delaney, Online Editor October 29, 2020

With the recent passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding her seat on the Supreme Court and who should choose who gets to fill her seat. Current President Donald J....

Local small businesses sit empty and closed until further notice. Business owners endure the financial burden due to COVID-19 and anxiously wait until they can reopen once again.

Small businesses combat coronavirus

Ella Nelson, Copy Editor April 30, 2020

Small businesses across the nation continue to feel the financial toll of COVID-19. Federal assistance loans continue to be distributed, but many small business owners are wondering if it will be enough...

President Donald Trump calls COVID-19 the "Chinese Virus." His reference occurs at many events such as the White House meeting and various news conferences.

‘Chinese Virus’ causes backlash on Asian Americans

Julie Xiong, Cartoonist March 25, 2020

On March 18, President Donald Trump referred to COVID-19 as the “Chinese Virus.” This term began gaining popularity when Trump tweeted, earlier that morning, about his methods of saving America from...

Senior Michael Finch views Breitbart News’ Facebook page. In 2018, Wikipedia said Breitbart could only be allowed for opinion supports in their informative articles because of the reporting slant.

Political tribalism, violence, effects of having far-right news on social media

Alex Steil, Online Editor-in-Chief November 20, 2019

Breitbart News, during the heat of the 2016 presidential campaign, was one of the most trafficked news sources on the internet, behind Fox News. It is one of the farthest right news sites in the conservative...

President Trump speaks at a rally in April. Recent rallies in Minneapolis have caused controversy following the impeachment inquiry.

Impeachment inquiry against President Trump sparks national debate

Austin Fierro, Online Editor November 18, 2019

The system meant to keep the country together is ironically what divides it the most: politics. Following a phone call between President Trump and President Zelensky of Ukraine, which seemed to suggest...

Consumer Eugine Romano holds up almonds to show price increase. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the price of almonds has risen by $1.30 since June 2018.

Trade War negatively effects consumers

Alex Steil, Online Editor-in-Chief October 1, 2019

You are losing money. I’m losing money. Your parents are losing money. People are losing jobs. We have yet to see the full impact of what this will mean for us. President Donald J. Trump engulfed the...

Death penalty for cop murderers unjustified

Death penalty for cop murderers unjustified

Issy Boegel, Copy Editor December 20, 2018

  The United States grants certain criminals with a death sentence everyday. President Donald Trump mentioned in his 2016 election that he would sign a executive order forcing those convicted...

Young Democrats meet weekly on Wednesday mornings to discuss current events and political issues. Michael Wilhelmi came to speak to the Young Democrats on the morning of Oct. 10 to influence the Young Democrats to get involved and help out the Tim Walz Campaign.

Trump’s threat to revoke birthright citizen laws immature, impulsive

Rosie Nichols, Layout Editor November 3, 2018

America is posed as a country of freedom, freedom formulated from the birth of the Constitution. Standing by our nation's morals has never been an issue, but now more than ever, our morals are being put...

Melania Trump tackles cyber bullying

Melania Trump tackles cyber bullying

Linnea Phillips, Print Editor-in-Chief May 20, 2018

Melania Trump has chosen to focus her time with her FLOTUS campaign on the end of bullying. Yet she has been criticized because her husband, Donald Trump, has been frequently called a bully.

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