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The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Aside from being highly social and inviting, former assistant principal Bill Howlett was a huge outdoorsman. He loved fishing and hunting, and one of his happiest places was out on the fishing boat. “He liked the outdoors, I like the outdoors. So it was natural for us to talk about things like hunting or fishing- and we did spend some time fishing together on the boat. Actually we did have a lot of fishing outings together, where we would talk about hunting and our kids,” math teacher Darby Whitehill says.

Bill Howlett leaves impact on community

Emmanuel Kamara, Social Media Reporter February 19, 2017

Assistant Principal Bill Howlett passed away on Jan. 1 after a heroic battle with cancer. Howlett was loved and very helpful to everyone he came in contact with even if he didn't know them. He is now...

Howlett (#62) had a strong will to live. What was most important to him was the relationships he held with his students, participating in school events and living in the present. A former administrator at many local schools, Howlett got every involved in sports. Donna Howlett, Howlett’s wife says, “There are even kids who remember him from Benilde St. Margaret’s where he started the girls hockey program, or Centennial, where he was the varsity volleyball coach- he really revamped program when they were in a slump.”

Bill Howlett: remembering the smile that brought everyone together

Tiana Meador, Editor-In-Chief February 9, 2017

  "I was always amazed at how he knew so many kids names and he knew so much about them," English teacher Peter Shield said, while looking in front of himself as if trying to picture Stillwater's...

Shelly is not afraid to share what she truly thinks and her co-workers get it. “I’m a pretty open book. Anyone here that knows me knows me,” Enhelder says. Enhelder is not going anywhere anytime soon, so staff and students might want to get to know her.

Enhelder loves her job as secretary

Shad Kraftson, Distribution Reporter February 12, 2016

If someone were to have walked into the White Pony Center on Jan. 28, they would have found an empty desk. Something would have felt off. The office would have seemed dead. If they came back the...

“The barriers that rose to the top of the list for all the groups are class size, staff issues and access to resources,” said Robert McDowell, director of learning and innovation. (from the Stillwater Gazette)

New elementary school to open in Woodbury

Karisma Vang, Social Media Editor January 15, 2016

Stillwater is a growing community homes to many, in the district, with kids filling up schools quickly. Next fall in 2017 a new school in Woodbury will be open, except it is still in the Stillwater...

Howlett entered St. Therese hospice at St. Odilia in Shoreview on Nov. 21 and passed on Jan. 21. A celebration of Howlett’s life was held at 2 p.m. Jan. 16 at Eagle Brook Church in Lino Lakes, where his family, accompanied by The Stillwater Varsity Choir, Principal Rob Bach, Darby Whitehill and Peter Schield, gathered with the community. “Everybody was always welcome," wife Donna Howlett says.

Howlett returns with open arms

Nick Carlson, Read and Watch Field Reporter October 28, 2015

Last year, Stillwater Area High School's Assistant Principal, Bill Howlett received the news that he had cancer and had to step down from his position. While the fight is still enduring, Howlett has...

One of the shelves in the print room full of Hello Kitty.

Shannon shares passion for Hello Kitty

Sydney Slusher, Team Lead October 14, 2015

The print room at Stillwater Area High School is not an ordinary print room.  Shannon VerDuin works in the print room and her love for Hello Kitty makes it way more interesting than any other print...

With trying to parking in the morning and and chaos of trying to get out the parking lot can get a bit crazy. "I would improve getting out because it's crazy. Like another place to exit," said Bennett Hall junior.

Building remodel impacts parking lot space

Madison Crain, Layout Editor October 13, 2015

In two years the ninth graders are coming to the high school, the school and parking lot are getting a new look. The chaos of trying to park in the morning and the rush when school is over a school...

Howlett was infamously known for making the White Pony Center an inviting place for students just swinging by and even those in trouble, by his inviting demeanor. "Sometimes it drove me nuts. I told him [Howlett] that those naughty kids needed discipline, but he would say something like, 'Shelly, he doesn't have a dad,' or something along those lines," secretary Shelly Enhelder says.

Howlett returns to fulfill his duties

Allie Langness, Online Editor-in-Chief October 7, 2015

Assistant Principal Bill Howlett returned this year to fulfill his duties after a year off due to a grueling battle with cancer. During the 2014-2015 school year, the White Pony Center saw a change...

Howlett recovering, hoping to return by spring

Howlett recovering, hoping to return by spring

Robby Enright, Distribution Reporter February 1, 2015

In the summer prior to the 2014 school year, Bill Howlett decided that he would have to step down from his position as a Assistant Principal in the White Pony Center so he could receive treatment for his...

Dan Ralston fulfilling new duties

Sarah Junko, Team Lead Editor November 18, 2014

Dan Ralston is starting his first year as an Assistant Principal. He is filling in for Assistant Principal Bill Howlett while he is on medical leave. Ralston will be taking over all of Howlett's duties...

School Counselor Heather Trettel takes Dan Ralston's place as a Black Pony Center Counselor. Trettel explained, "I came back to work here, and I felt like I had left on a Friday and came back on a Monday."

Trettle substitutes for Ralston as school counselor

Ali Thul, Team Lead Editor October 30, 2014

School Counselor Heather Trettel takes Dan Ralston's place as a Black Pony Center Counselor. Trettel returns to be a substitute counselor for the second time at Stillwater Area High School. Due to former...

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Bill Howlett