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The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Our newest Student Council Presidents Eve Thompson and Isabel Day pose with both of their senior sisters Ivy Thompson and Montana Day on the day of elections.

Annual Student Council presidents elected

Megan Aller, Visual Arts Managing Editor April 28, 2015

Being the president of Student Council is much more than representing the student body. The presidents are also part of the school board, they sit up front at the board meetings. There are countless...

Ms. Hammond Laux explains the size of the bus being taken to the show case. "I'm exited for the show case, I have coached speech for 4 years," she said.

Speech Showcase communicates to the community

Jordan Fulin, Team Lead March 25, 2015

Speech is the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds. The Stillwater Speech Team has 20 members that dedicate their Saturdays to compete with their piece...

Music department delivers serenades for Valentine's Day

Music department delivers serenades for Valentine’s Day

Ali Thul, Team Lead Editor February 12, 2015

Valentine's Day is a day to express love towards others. The orchestra board and other musically inclined students help their fellow students express that through serenading their loved ones. Each...

Speech team comes out screaming

Anna Craggs, Photographer December 24, 2014

Some people in this world find it fun to stand up in front of a bunch of other people and speak their mind. They speak their opinion without caring what anyone else has to say about what they think....

Trivia Crack latest teenage addiction

Trivia Crack latest teenage addiction

Samantha Flipp, Broadcast Field Reporter December 22, 2014

Ask someone that is using their phone in class what they are doing, and they will most likely say that they are playing a new game called Trivia Crack. This trivia game has become something like an addiction...

New principal brings new changes

Sarah Junko, Team Lead Editor October 1, 2014

The 2014 school year is promising to be full of new people and opportunities. This year one of the biggest changes is the newest staff member, Rob Bach. As the new head principal, Bach has many ideas on...

Students gather at Stillwater Area High School to discuss gender equality. They proposed actions that can be taken at the school and in the Stillwater area.

Students hold gender equality meeting

Cora Sutherland April 16, 2014

In the beginning of March, students led a meeting to discuss gender equality through Stillwater Area High School. Student leaders along with staff members were present at the meeting to either show their...

Photo by Lexie Sherrick Abby Farmer said the instant she saw the posters around school for Battle of the Bands she was excited. “While I am not in a band, I am looking forward to seeing friends of mine who are,” said Farmer.

Auditions kick off the Battle of the Bands season

Ryan Burger December 10, 2013

As the battle of the bands approaches, there will be many hopefuls vying for a spot during auditions. Though senior Conor Murphy and the band Crimson Horizon hope to make it just as much as the others,...

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