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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Junior Lydia McFarlene holds up a Nerf Gun, planning to go get some Nerf War kills.

Nerf war needs improved player regulation, administration honesty

Allie Schlagel, Layout Editor May 31, 2022

Junior Cayleigh Benson looks down at her watch and sees that the clock reads 9:15 p.m. Sweat trickles down her forehead. The tension is high. Cayleigh is camping outside Kwik Trip waiting for her friend...

Senior Mikai Tasch is the social media Editor-in-Chief and copy editor for the Pony Express. He planned on going to the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities for civil engineering.

Federal minimum wage should increase amid high inflation

Mikai Tasch, Social Media Editor-in-Chief and Copy Editor May 3, 2022

The federal minimum wage has been $7.25/hour since July 24, 2009. For many citizens across the United States, this is not a livable wage. Although some believe that the federal minimum wage should stay...

Parents Bill of Rights infringes on students' education

Parents Bill of Rights infringes on students’ education

Bella Godfrey, Graphics Editor and Online Editor-In-Chief April 13, 2022

On March 3, the Minnesota senate held its first votes for the Parents Bill of Rights. The Parents Bill of Rights Act is a Republican-backed piece of legislation regarding parents' right to know what their...

Woodbury Alina Health Clinic

Vaccine mandates are essential to future health of U.S.

Allie Schlagel, Layout Editor November 14, 2021

CORRECTION: In our print edition the photo caption inaccurately stated that vaccine was administered at school. This information is incorrect. The student did not receive her vaccine at school.   "We...

Seventeen Republican-controlled state legislatures pass laws that further limit their constituents' ability to vote in upcoming elections. Supporters say that it will increase voter confidence in our elections, while social activists say that it is an attempt to suppress minority voters.

Republican state legislatures pass voter suppression laws

Jasmine Z. Allison, Social Media Editor October 13, 2021

After the 2020 presidential election, 17 Republican-controlled state legislatures have passed laws that further limited their constituents' ability to vote in upcoming elections. Republican supporters...

With this year's new school schedule, students are forced to sit in classrooms for 80 minutes at a time with no breaks, which is not ideal for effective learning.

School should switch to shorter, more efficient schedule next year

Charles Calderone, Copy Editor May 25, 2021

With this school year looking different due to COVID-19 protocols, it has caused the structure of the school day to be changed from what students are accustomed to. Instead of a traditional, six hour school...

Seniors Haley Eder-Zdechlik and Sophie Schuster at their prom in 2019.

Senior-only prom brings up mixed reactions

Kiera Rivers, Photography Editor March 8, 2021

A lot of anticipation surrounds a high school room: a rite of passage, the final dance of high school years and an overall good time. But for this year’s junior class, prom is simply a dream. Due to...

GameStop stock prices per share rise to a peak of $357 on Jan 27, and soon fluctuate in a downward trend. In early to mid February, the stock rests at around $40 a share.

Reddit Beats Wall Street, not really

Connor Quaderer, Podcast Reporter March 6, 2021

The day is Jan. 27. The price per share of GameStop (GME) has reached a soaring high of $347 as Redditors on WallStreetBets (WSB) sit atop their massive piles of cash they rightfully stole from the big...

This photo shows band teacher Dennis Lindsay along with his one in-person student for Percussion Ensemble on the b day. A room that would usually be filled with around 30 students playing a variety of instruments, from Marimbas to Tom Toms, instead only shows one student and Lindsay doing their “independent studies” while the stands and chairs (not pictured) sit with no one using them during this period. Many of the students in Percussion Ensemble are doing full on distance learning, and in early November with the start of quarter two, this room will be left fully empty.

High school and college students lose many traditions such as graduation

Mikai Tasch, Social Media Editor December 1, 2020

Generational theft has been used to describe how many seniors, freshman and sophomores in college have/will lose their high school, and college traditions this year. This makes the end of high school...

New schedule offers three courses as full semester.

New schedule offers three courses as full semester

Karley Rydeen, Distribution Reporter November 30, 2020

Students' daily schedule looks different than what they have been used to in the past. Now students participate in a hybrid schedule: three classes per one quarter, along with longer periods. Students...

Calculus teacher Mrs. Nord's Classroom lays empty at the end of Nov. 9, the last day school will be in session for students in Group A. The school will still be  open to teachers and students who are involved in extracirriculars.

New Distance Learning schedule will mistakenly cause students anxiety

Drew Jurek, Layout Editor-in-Chief November 30, 2020

As of Thursday, Nov. 5th the School Board announced that Stillwater Area High School and both Middle Schools will move to a completely distance learning model with the commencement of classes on Nov. 16th....

Social studies teacher Jason Caballero wears a Black Lives Matter pin on his lanyard. It is a subtle way of showing that he and his classroom are welcome to everyone. A pin is one of many forms of teachers showing their support for Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter attire worn by teachers seen as welcoming

Mason Buck, Broadcast Editor November 20, 2020

Teachers should be allowed to wear Black Lives Matter attire. With the recent world and political events, everybody has been feeling more politically opinionated, which has sparked some teachers to wear...

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