K-Pop Club celebrates Korean culture

Photo by Derek Berg

K-Pop club sets up for their end of semester party. They meet every Wednesday after school.

Derek Berg, Podcast Reporter

Every Wednesday after school they will only be doing one thing: dancing and singing and celebrating Korean culture. They are the K-Pop Club, created five years ago under the guidance of advisor and print room paraprofessional Shannon VerDuin they have been a light spot of culture in a mostly caucasian school.

K-Pop is a short for Korean Pop, a modern style of music that is mainly characterized by its audiovisual elements along with a mixture of musical influences from around the globe. In recent years, K-Pop’s popularity in the U.S. has skyrocketed. In May 2018, BTS became the first K-Pop group to reach number one on the Billboard 200, marking a major milestone for K-Pop in the U.S.

They got their start five years ago when VerDuin was listening to some K-Pop in her room and a student came in to drop something off. The student noticed the music and asked VerDuin about it. The student brought down a friend that loved K-Pop and they talked a bit.

VerDuin said she “would love to be a staff advisor if they were interested in a club,” and then K-Pop club was born.

The club fell to the wayside for a couple years because kids could not stay after school because they were involved in PSEO and other activities. However in the last couple of years the club has been revived.

VerDuin thinks it is because, “BTS has been on the AMA’s and has a lot more of a worldwide audience and has been featured on Ellen.”

BTS’s blow up has allowed for the club to gain in  popularity and members in the last couple of years.

K-Pop club allows students interested in K-pop to further explore their interests and find friends who have similar interests. Everytime they get together, the club dances and sings to K-Pop to celebrate Korean culture.

Co-Presidents Linda Herr and Bella Thao both agree, “dancing and laughing and coming together with people who have so much energy,” is their favorite part of every meeting.

If you are interested at all in Korean music or culture, then K-Pop club is something you should definitely check out. They meet Wednesdays after school for an hour in E124.