Fashion club set to kick off second semester

Starting second semester, fashion club will be held in math teachers Mike Parker and Peter Hamilton’s classroom. As imagined the club will focus meetings around current fashion trends along with what has been popular around the high school.
Fashion is something that has emerged globally in recent decades. High schoolers are highly involved in the fashion fad. Fashion is commonly referred to by, as “a popular trend, typically in styles of dress.”
While Hamilton is not a fashion expert, he still keeps up well with the current trends as a coach of the hockey team. Exposed not only at the hockey rink, but also in the classroom, Hamilton claims to have a good wrap on what fashion is all about.
“I myself am not necessarily a huge fashion guy, I stick to my jeans and quarter zips. I do love razzing the hockey guys about their Lululemon clothes though,” Hamilton said.
Hamilton has taught math at the high school for nearly 15 years, and fashion trends have drastically changed over this time period.
“At this point I think I’ve seen it all, now it’s all about Lulu and Patagonia, where as it used to be based around brands like Wrangler,” Hamilton added.
Current fashion has moved away from jeans that were so popular in the late 90s, as now the fad has moved to khakis along with tops from Lululemon. Junior Caitlyn Garrity concurs with this.
“Lululemon is very popular now, I myself love it. They have a lot of modern tops that I find really cute, Lulu is so comfortable,” Garrity added.
Garrett is spot on with her claim as a vast majority of the students do in fact wear Lululemon.
As for the club, Hamilton is coming into the club “open minded” as it is the first time Hamilton has hosted a club at the high school.
“I’ve never hosted a club before. It’s going to fun I think and it’s awesome I get to do it with Mr Parker. We’ve been teaching partners for a while now so it’ll be fun to do it with him,” Hamilton said.
Although going into it open minded, Hamilton does have some expectations for what the club is going to hold.
“Student-wise I’m expecting a higher majority of girls just because I think this is more of their thing,” Hamilton said.
Fashion is more prominent in the life of teenage girls than boys, but it’s surely not just girls that are involved in fashion trends.
“Fashion is something that is very important to teenagers. I myself am involved along with all of my friends,” Garrity added.

Wyatt Wasko is a social media editor and writes for the sports department. In Wyatt's spare time he likes to fish. He participates in hockey and golf....
Benjamin Valerius • Mar 12, 2018 at 10:03 am
I thought the quotes from Hamilton were pretty funny. The overall article was very informative, and one critique I have is to strive for a more eye catching lead. The alt copy was a really nice addition to the story!
Rose Deziel • Mar 11, 2018 at 11:27 pm
The story was enjoyable to read and it was fun learning about how high school fashion has shifted over the years. As for the alternative copy, it looks amazing! It’s not crowded and I love how the information was presented in a Q&A format.
Luke Higgins • Mar 5, 2018 at 7:16 pm
when I first saw this article I was expecting to read something boring, but it ended up being the opposite. This article altho short was very entertaining to read, I really liked the quotes you used from Hamilton.
Mikayla Cousineau • Mar 5, 2018 at 7:14 pm
I thought that the alt copy for this issue was adorable! It wasn’t overcrowded, and as Hannah mentioned, the color was refreshing. I also enjoyed the use of relevant images and graphics, and the Q&A was a great way to incorporate meaningful information. Great job Chloe!
Chloe Squires • Mar 3, 2018 at 2:34 pm
I really like this story’s quotes, especially from Mr. Hamilton. They’re detailed and add a fun spin on the story. Although, it would’ve been interesting to have quotes from the people that started the club and more detail about what will be happening during it. Overall the story was very well done!
Hannah Boardman • Mar 2, 2018 at 9:32 am
The use of color in Squires’ alternative copy story really stands out, especially since it is such a fashionable color right now. The interview adds a lot, although next time there should be more information about the club. The pictures and images are great and really create an idea of the focus of the club. The alt copy story is sort of small on the website and may be hard to read, so next time it should either be featured bigger or the text needs to be larger. Overall great job!