Drommerhausen begins 45th year of teaching

Photo by Grace Silbernick
Debbie Drommerhausen starts her day in her 45th year of teaching.
“Students…they just want to learn something, they want someone to love them, they want to meet new friends,… they want to have someone that’s going to help them plan out where they want to go from here. They just want someone to know that they care about them, and I think that’s been forever since time,” Marketing teacher Debbie Drommerhausen said.
For the past 45 years, Drommerhausen, better known as Ms. D, has been teaching at the high school. Initially, Drommerhausen’s internship at a retail store in downtown Minneapolis introduced her to the business world, yet after student teaching, she could not turn down the offer to teach full time.
When it comes to teaching, Drommerhausen focuses on the students’ needs and plays to their strengths to get the best outcome possible.
“I probably change all the time with the students, and where they are, what their interests are, especially in the business world,” Drommerhausen said.
Junior Perla DeLa Rosa said, “She gives us rewards, and we also watch the videos that are similar topics so we can get a detailed history.”
Other teachers and staff have learned from her, because of her experience at the school and how she has stayed positive through the years. For those who work closely with her get the greatest advice.
“I go a mile a minute sometimes,” business teacher Phil Schut said, ”and she’s kind of the voice of reason to just say, ‘it’s okay, calm down. You know, if you don’t get through that today that’s fine.’”
For decades she has not only made an influence on the lives of the staff, but also the students. She makes a lasting impact on everyone.
Schut said students, “know that they can come back to her…I think that every teacher tries to cultivate that with their students, and let them know that hey, I’ve got your back.”
Drommerhausen is a positive influence on the entire school staff and students. She interacts with everyone even if she does not know them personally she goes out of her way to make them feel welcome at the high school.
“With everyone she sees in the hallways she says hi to them, even if she doesn’t have them in class,” DeLa Rosa said.
In Drommerhausen’s class students have fun by playing stock market games, and are able to have freedoms when choosing projects. She lets them find what they enjoy and are interested in the business world.
“She creates such a positive atmosphere in a room. She loves on everybody, no matter what their background is. Students and parents and staff and community everybody knows it. And people need something like that in their day. This is a school that really pushes you and to have a class that you know you’ve got someone that’s got your back is helpful,” Schut added.
“I like being in high school,” Drommerhausen said, “I like being with students. I like their energy. I like all their things and their future and their plans, you know solve world problems.”

Hi, my name is Grace Silbernick. I am a junior and I am a layout editor for the Pony Express. I love dogs and reading. My favorite book is Catcher in...
Ellsa Ohmann • Jan 3, 2019 at 10:16 am
Very good quotes, and use of quotes on ethos based article. It Connects to the reader especially if a high schooler is reading the article. Very appealing to the audience, really hits home