2019 class dominates Powderpuff game for second year
October 23, 2018

Madison Horn and Haley Nelson need to take a quick photo before getting ready for warm-ups for the Powder Puff game
Ever year as a school tradition there is an all-girls flag football game called Powder Puff played during the week of homecoming. The game is performed in order to promote the homecoming game on the coming Friday. This year it was held on Sept. 26 at 6 p.m.
Many students and adults showed up to watch the game from the sidelines, and there were juniors and seniors who participated.
It was not adults coaching the girls who participated in Powder Puff, the boys football team stepped in to coach the teams.
“I’d say the way that they had it all set up with the boys team helping out was a really neat way to do it,” junior Piper Zoller said.
Students participate in the Powderpuff game, they all did it because it was an enjoyable experience.
“It seemed like a fun opportunity. At first I thought it was tackle football. But then I realized tackling wasn’t allowed. But overall, it was really fun and I am glad I participated,” junior Maddison Horn said.
Many people could not participate in the football game because they had other things that got in the way. For example, some people had sports or a club or work after school, so they could not participate.
“I don’t think I would be able to because of my sports getting in the way, but maybe if I wasn’t in swimming,” Zoller said.
It was appreciated by students, considering how not many other schools have Powder Puff football games.
Zoller explained, “It’s a good chance for girls to get to play a sport that’s mainly male dominated.”
The atmosphere of the game was very energetic. There was so much energy from everyone on the sidelines and on the field. People were screaming and cheering people on. All the people on the the side lines were so exited when the team they were cheering for got a touchdown.
“The energy that everybody was putting into the game, people actually took it seriously,” Horn said was most fun about the event.
Stillwater Student Council did many things this year for advertising for Stillwater’s game. With all the painting they did, the carnival and the Powder Puff game and more, the event was successful.
“Stillwater kind of went pretty all-out this year with the Paint the Town Red and all that stuff,” Zoller said.
Because of the event’s reception, many people at the school are considering doing the Powder Puff games in the future. It generated a lot of interest for underclassmen.
Powder Puff was a great experience for the people on and off the field and many people want to join or to do it again next year. The event also provides many opportunities to make new friends and become closer to some old ones.
As Horn explained, “It was really cool how we all became friends over a football game. Some people I would never have talked to, we talked and actually connected over some stuff.”