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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Students show off their talents at spring Coffeehouse

Photo by Ian Lunneborg
NHS members sell tickets for spring Coffeehouse at lunch. Spring Coffeehouse begins May 10. Shows are at 6 p.m and 8 p.m.

The spring Coffeehouse is an event that all students know. It is a chance for people of all talents to come and show an audience what they are made of. It is also an event that spans upwards of 10 years of history.

It started with a French teacher who wanted to adapt a French event to her school for students to have a good time. “She wanted to created a real intimate music setting,” ASL teacher and Coffeehouse advisor Becky Mazzara said about the beginnings of the event.

“Originally it was in the Black Box theater, it was a small group of about five or six acoustic groups and it was a really nice little intimate setting,” Mazzara said.

Later the event got so big that it was moved from the Black Box into the auditorium and there it has stayed for about 10 years. More than just musical acts have been featured at the coffeehouse events. Comedians, dancers, songwriters and more have shown off their talents at the coffeehouses for almost as long as it’s been running.

“It’s such a great connection,” Mazzara said. “I mean, it’s such a great way for me to connect with kids that I wouldn’t otherwise connect with.”

All of the Coffeehouses over the years have been planned and executed by members of the NHS with junior Aidan Uglem heading the planning this year. With the rest of the NHS volunteers and a sponsor that all proceeds go to, he has quite an event planned for all of us this year.

Every year the Coffeehouse events donate to a cause as well. For the winter Coffeehouse all proceeds went to Morgan’s Message and the spring event’s proceeds will go to The Light Left On Foundation, which is a charity that supports schools in the honor of Annie Messelt who tragically died last year.

Planning an event like this takes a lot of work, like designing a program for attendees, coordinating sign ups, auditions, and working with tech specialists to ensure that Coffeehouse goes smoothly.

“I chose to take on planning this event because it is truly such a fun atmosphere,” Uglem said. “The acts are always amazing and it is fun as one of the MCs to be a part of a great group of performers.”

The acts are always amazing and it is fun as one of the MCs to be a part of a great group of performers.”

— Aidan Uglem

This spring students can expect performances from Bagel Hole, Annunaki, the K-Pop Club and a variety of different independent vocalists. Songs that can be expected range from “Everlong” by the Foo Fighters to “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri.

Coffeehouse events are always reason for chatter amongst students every year. People discuss who is playing, how good a band that is playing in the event they saw at the Battle of the Bands was, what times to go with their friends, and what friends are playing so they can cheer them on. Coffeehouse begins May 10, with two shows at 6 p.m and 8 p.m in the auditorium.

If you enjoy finding out where talent is in an intimate musical setting, then go to the spring Coffeehouse on May 10. All proceeds for the event will go to The Lights Left On Foundation.

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About the Contributor
Ian Lunneborg
Ian Lunneborg, Broadcast Video Editor
My name is Ian Lunneborg, I am a junior, and I’m a video editor for the Pony Express. I play Ultimate Frisbee and mountain bike for school sports and I play bass guitar in a band as a hobby. I love listening to and making music as well as watching movies. I am most looking forward to improving my video editing skills and hopefully doing some camera work.  

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