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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Door 49W has a new alarm system, making our security officers job easier. The new alarm is to help prevent students from going out the door when they should be using the main doors.

New security has students wondering what is best

Brianne Johnson, Layout Editor October 29, 2019

You can often find them monitoring the halls. Checking hall passes and bathrooms making sure students are where they are supposed to be. The security team consists of four security guards. These guards...

On Twitter, "Back to School Essentials" video has gotten 15 million views. The video is accompanied by other videos and messages from the Sandy Hook Promise Organization.

Back to school PSA shows new reality of going to school

Mia Lucido, Distribution Editor October 1, 2019

Gun violence, especially in schools, is a prevalent topic in today’s society. The Sandy Hook Promise Organization put out a video PSA entitled “Back to School Essentials” urging viewers to know...

With constant eyes on the doors at the five entrances  SAHS, administration can detect if a crisis will be present. These staff members keep the students safe and protected from potential harm.

SAHS voted 21st safest school in the metro area

Joseph Devins, Field Reporter December 7, 2018

Stillwater Area High School has been awarded with the 21st safest school in the Twin cities Metro Area. Assistant Principal Shelly Phernetton and Police Liaison Officer Lindsey Paradise have been taking...

Alternative Copy Story and Photos by Katelyn Krech

Officer Paradise’s life-saving event inspires her career in law enforcement

Katelyn Krech, Student Playlist Reporter March 5, 2018

Officer Lindsey Paradise can be seen by students patrolling the hallways during the school day. Not many students know, however, that a life altering event took place during Paradise's sophomore year...

Some students dislike using the bathrooms because of other students “vaping”, so the administration is doing its best to reclaim the bathrooms. "[Students] shouldn't have to feel like they can't go to the bathroom because kids are vaping," Paradise says.

Admin updates new bathroom policies, monitoring in response to vaping, vandalism

Noah Ness, Read and Watch Team March 26, 2017

  Recently, a surge in the use of electronic cigarettes among teenagers has caused many schools, including Stillwater Area High School, to try different tactics to end the "vaping." E-cigarettes...

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Lindsey Paradise