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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Students in the French classroom organizing a pile of Valentine's Day cards.

French club spreads love this valentine’s season

Sonja Anderson, Broadcast Field Reporter February 8, 2023

Vivre sans aimer n'est pas proprement vivre. "To live without loving is to not really live."  This is an important message the French Club is trying to spread this Valentine's Day with their student led...

Junior Sara Norton, freshman Jada Diana and freshman Ruth Olson create Valentines during French Club on Feb.10.

French club thrives under ambitious leaders

Bella Godfrey, Graphics Editor and Online Editor-In-Cheif February 27, 2022

French club, a student-led organization, has recently blown up becoming one of the most popular after school spots every other Thursday. Senior leaders Logan Onken and Avery Hoge have a strong passion...

Students from the 2018 trip gather together in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral, smiling excitingly. Notre Dame first started to be built in 1163 and finished in 1345. All this time and a fire destroyed the spirit of France.

Burning of Notre Dame affects trip to France and experience for students

Jordyn Le Vasseur, Layout Editor May 20, 2019

Notre Dame, a Cathedral church in the heart of France, recently burned down by an accidental construction fire. Next year, French teacher Jacqueline Parr will take a group of students to their annual...

Aside from being highly social and inviting, former assistant principal Bill Howlett was a huge outdoorsman. He loved fishing and hunting, and one of his happiest places was out on the fishing boat. “He liked the outdoors, I like the outdoors. So it was natural for us to talk about things like hunting or fishing- and we did spend some time fishing together on the boat. Actually we did have a lot of fishing outings together, where we would talk about hunting and our kids,” math teacher Darby Whitehill says.

Bill Howlett leaves impact on community

Emmanuel Kamara, Social Media Reporter February 19, 2017

Assistant Principal Bill Howlett passed away on Jan. 1 after a heroic battle with cancer. Howlett was loved and very helpful to everyone he came in contact with even if he didn't know them. He is now...

Students will have the opportunity to end their weeks in France with a couple days in Paris. Seeing the Eiffel Tower, visiting local sites, the shops and restaurants as well as see the beautiful museums in Paris. One of which will be The Louvre museum, which is the most visited museum in Paris. “We will get to climb to the top of the Eiffel tower, and get to see many gorgeous museums in Paris,” Parr says.

French students prepare to say au revior mid June

Mikayla Erf, Photographer February 24, 2016

  Nine plus hours of flying, 4,289 miles, and the trip of a lifetime. French students have the opportunity this summer of taking the once in a lifetime adventure of traveling through France. “France...

French Club votes in new co-vice presidents

Liv Krusinski, In-Studio Camera Editor October 13, 2015

Seniors Danielle Glewwe and Ana Souffront have won the election as co-vice presidents of French Club, and are very excited to have this leadership role once again while expressing their love of the French...

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Jacqueline Parr