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The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Seniors Matthew Eviston and Julianne Kurth distribute goody bags to Wellness Day participants. Everyone will receive fidgets, T-shirts, stickers and more.

First ever Wellness Day succeeds spectacularly

Elena Majeski, Layout Editor/Photographer February 28, 2025

Wellness Day, a concept created by the student mental health coalition, was an idea proposed several years ago. What if students got a day off to focus on their emotional learning rather than academics?...

This is a map showing the legal drinking ages in every country. The legal drinking can range from no age restrictions all the way to illegal at any age.  There are 83 percent  of countries that can drink at an age younger than 21.

Students should think twice before drinking on vacation

AnnaMarie Born, Buisness Editor March 5, 2019

With spring break in one month, many students will be going somewhere for vacation. There are 190 countries with the legal drinking age of 18. There will be students going places out of the country, where...

After playing in the boys soccer quarterfinal game on Oct. 25, senior Rayce Johnson and junior Nick Purdie finish off the game and celebrate their win with a Nos energy drink.

Teens increased caffeine consumption brings concern

Marie Lecuyer, Copy Editor November 12, 2018

Young adults are experiencing health drawbacks of consuming caffeine daily starting at such a young age. This generation especially is turning to caffeine to resolve stress and exhaustion. Students are...

Salmi helping sophomores Sarah Hanselman and Ethan Vargas work out during physical education class.

Salmi wins Secondary Physical Education Teacher of the Year

Zach Johnson, Social Media Editor October 23, 2018

Darrell Salmi won the award Secondary Teacher of the Year in the state of Minnesota. This award was given to him by MNSHAPE, an organization in Minnesota that gives professional services and resources...

Technology varies in impact on teen health

Technology varies in impact on teen health

Morgan Grim, Photography Editor May 20, 2018

Everyday, students include technology in their daily routine. Whether it’s checking Instagram or taking pictures, students use technology and screens a substantially large amounts. Although technology...

Perseverance, driving force in overcoming total loss

Perseverance, driving force in overcoming total loss

Tiana Meador, Editor-In-Chief February 21, 2017

90s hip-hop blared in her sister’s room, parents outside, for Ella Dorner, the day was uneventful. Then large clunk, a bang. Coming down the stairs, all her older sister, Hannah Dorner, saw was her younger...

Staff Editorial: vandalism occurring in bathrooms increasing

Staff Editorial: vandalism occurring in bathrooms increasing

Pony Express Staff February 14, 2017

One of the problems at school is vaping and vandalism in the school's bathrooms. This problem has raised concern for some of the staff. Not only is it an illegal activity, it is also negatively impacting...

Alternative Copy Story by Mark O'Shea

Choosing bed over breakfast

Mark O’Shea, Social Media Editor January 13, 2017

Some students do not eat breakfast every morning, or ever at all. This can be for a variety of reasons including not being able to cook, they want to sleep in, and the most common: simply not having...

Infographic by Jared Taylor.

Rachel’s challenge replaced with health initiative

Jared Taylor, Distribution Reporter November 16, 2016

Healthy eating, physical fitness, mental health specialists and anti-bullying campaigns all have one thing in common: they are all health initiatives. What’s special about health initiatives in schools...

The big three. These three popular fast food locations are considered healthier and as a result have seen great success in recent months. "Jimmy John seems to be the healthiest place," Ben Olson says. "I honestly get food by how I’m feeling. If I want a burger I’ll go to McDonalds, If I want Mexican, Chipotle. It all depends on how I’m feeling."

Fast food popularity on the rise

Dylan Cook, Visual Arts Media Editor April 26, 2016

  Fast food is back. As result a of years of rapid increases in the pace of daily life the consumer has begun to demand efficiency in every way possible. The food industry has adapted to...

Benefits of eating healthy

Benefits of eating healthy

Kyah LaBancz, Online Editor February 23, 2015

Imagine standing in front of two different food bars. One is filled with crunchy greens, nuts filled with healthy fats, lean proteins and various  vegetables to make a delightful salad. The other displays...

HealthyMOVES program begins

Andrea Rustad March 1, 2014

Bridge to Excellence (BtE) is focused on addressing the academic, social, emotional and physical needs of each of the districts students.  The BtE’s new plan is already in the works. BtE's plan includes...

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