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The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

"Pony Wicks and Balls" is a company created and run by senior Jerod Ormand-Miller. The business was created in September 2018 as a theatre fundraiser. He manages his time well, bouncing between school, theatre, and the business while maintaining the work for all activities.

High school entrepreneurs learn values of business

Emma Kostroski-Polucha, Print Editor-in-Chief May 16, 2019

Owning a business is never easy, between the customers and business partners, it can be hard to keep everything in check. Many business owners struggle through the beginning of their ownership. All...

Members of the Black Student Union make a huddle to celebrate a successful meeting. These students form long-lasting bonds through a common ground.

BSU welcomes non-black students

Grace Wirkkala, Online Editor January 23, 2019

The Black Student Union advocates for a more diverse club by including students of all races in their meetings. The club aims to create a welcoming and safe space for black students who may otherwise feel...

Donyea Davis & Chinmay Sahu working together on their projects for Genesys Works.

Genesys Works, helps students prepare for career

Toby Weiss, Camera Editor November 4, 2018

Genesys Works is a program that employs high school students and teaches them how to work an IT job in major corporations. Seniors can experience what it is like to have a $12.50 an hour, nine-to-five...

Black Student Union members lift their hands up in a protest fist, which represents unity, strength, and defiance or resistance. Sophomore Nawal Mukhtar explains, “BSU is a family, not just a club.”

BSU helps promote awareness, diversity in community

Ben Valerius, Announcements Editor November 18, 2017

Every week, a number of different clubs can be found meeting in and around campus. The Black Students Union, or BSU, meets every Tuesday in the main forum from 2:30-4:30 p.m. Typically, they will see...

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Donyea Davis