Trump’s threat to revoke birthright citizen laws immature, impulsive
Photo reprinted with permission from Sophie Browning
Young Democrats meet weekly on Wednesday mornings to discuss current events and political issues. Michael Wilhelmi came to speak to the Young Democrats on the morning of Oct. 10 to influence the Young Democrats to get involved and help out the Tim Walz Campaign.
November 3, 2018
America is posed as a country of freedom, freedom formulated from the birth of the Constitution. Standing by our nation’s morals has never been an issue, but now more than ever, our morals are being put through their paces. The rules and regulations in which our governmental ancestors handcrafted have been tested and without a true nationwide foundation, our countries’ union will crumble. President Donald Trump stated in a recent interview the possible revocation of the birthright citizenship laws, which were established in the Constitution of the United States of America in 1789. The birthright citizenship laws were established to ensure citizenship to all babies born within the United States border.
This revocation would directly flout the 14 Amendment and would indefinitely exacerbate the current immigration crisis our country is experiencing. Many conservatives support this possible revocation, while most liberals are left in disbelief that this revocation will be enforced.
In a recent interview with University of Pennsylvania political science professor, he said “I know of no remotely plausible legal theory under which the president has the power to decide birthright citizenship rules by executive order,”
Trump’s threat to revoke this amendment is immature and impulsive. The birthright citizenship laws are set to ensure freedom and harmony for all of those born within our country’s borders. The thought of this dramatic annulment brings nothing but fear into the lives of all of those who have worked so hard to keep our country’s Constitution alive and well. This also terrifies those who have come to the U.S. seeking the freedom we popularly advertise.
This revocation would be “perpetuating fear and xenophobia against immigrants,” senior president of Young Democrats club, Maryn Johnson said.
Defying the Constitution after its 230 years of order is an extremity that our country simply cannot afford. The threat to revoke the birthright citizenship law is possibly one of the most controversial and hostile things that Trump has ever addressed. Peter Schuck, a professor of law at Yale University spoke in a recent interview with on this topic, he said “[Trump] cannot do this by executive order,” Schuck said. “… and I feel confident that no competent lawyer would advise him otherwise. This is just pre-election politics and misrepresentation and should be sharply criticized as such.”
Trump justifies this possible revocation with the idea of having a decreased immigrant population. Children born from immigrants are being put through the U.S. welfare system and supporters of this revocation strongly disapprove of this process.
It is said that “one in 10 babies born in the U.S. are those of illegal immigrants,” said junior member of Young Republicans club, Henry Still. Although Still believes one in 10 babies born in the U.S. are those of illegal immigrants, The center for immigration studies can estimate the percentage of births of illegal immigrants at only 7.5 percent. It is also said that most immigrants come to the U.S. for the mere purpose of giving birth to a child who would then be a legal citizen. These points of justification are valid, but when speaking upon the constitution, not good enough for a complete revocation of the 14 amendment.
While the United States is facing a controversial immigration crisis, the President uses threats instead of guidance when leading our country. The revocation of the birthright citizenship law would cause unimaginable backlash and would do nothing but escalate the current immigration controversy to the point of pure chaos.