Legalizing marijuana, smart and strategic
December 6, 2017
The legalization of marijuana has been an increasingly talked about topic in the United States. In fact, 29 states currently have laws encouraging the legalization of marijuana. Therefore, marijuana should be legalized in the United States.

Marijuana was first recreationally used in the early 1900’s. It was then made illegal in 1931. However, many people continued to explore the drug and usage rates were at an all time high in the 1970’s. This spike, was followed by the first legalization of marijuana by the state of California in 1996. This has since been followed by various states. Currently, for the first time ever, more people report supporting legalizing marijuana than not.
“I think around 60-70 percent of students at our school have smoked marijuana more than once,” freshman Sydney Rogness said. In reality, 11 percent of 8th graders, 28 percent of sophomores, and 36 percent of seniors have reported smoking marijuana, according to PBS.
The prevalence of marijuana is obviously clear. It is slowly becoming more common. By legalizing it we could have a more controlled system. Companies and the government could monitor and control who is able to access and use the drug, much like how alcohol is regulated in the United States.

“More students and people would start smoking marijuana if it was made legal in the United States,” Rogness said. However, according to, the legalization of marijuana would not directly affect the percentage of people who smoke.
If marijuana becomes legal in the United States, fewer people will use marijuana. The reason people find themselves participating in these activities is generally because it is seen as exciting and dangerous to do something illegal. Therefore, making it legal would help diminish usage among our population, which would mean fewer arrests and less tax payers money going toward jails, to house inmates for petty crimes, such as possession of marijuana.
“Marijuana being legalized would decrease drug related violence in gangs,” community member Chris Zufall said. Experts from the Canadian Press stated that legalizing marijuana would cut gang violence.
In general, gangs are constantly fighting over drugs. By legalizing one of the most popular drugs in the world, our country could help fight and diminish gang violence. Decreasing violence is always a good thing and could help improve the lives of many, including young children wrapped up in the gang and drug world.
Legalizing marijuana in the United States would be a smart and strategic decision for our government.
Luke Dickinson • Dec 18, 2017 at 11:59 pm
This Article is a very persuasive. I really liked how they included the history of the drug and the statistics right now in the present, you can tell this writer put alot of research into this topic.
Lilly Sample • Dec 18, 2017 at 7:38 pm
Your article brings forward a lot of valid points, and it remains serious and factual. Though I’m not sure legalizing marijuana would decrease use, it would allow for the elimination of some petty crimes, like you stated. The reason marijuana became illegal has a lot of racist ties, and it would’ve been cool to address that. Good job!
Morgan Grim • Dec 18, 2017 at 4:11 am
I thought this article was very well researched and was filled with good facts and reasoning. I think the graphic was very creative and a nice touch with the article. I like the interactive poll, it makes the reader more engaged and sucks them in. I really like the layout of the article. Very interesting and eye catching. Overall, good job.
Rose Deziel • Dec 18, 2017 at 12:17 am
Your sources were credible and unbiased, which made your position on the issue stronger. Also, I liked how you used quotes to show the other side, but then you would back up your opinion with facts and statistics. The poll was a nice touch. Also, I thought it was cool how you included a community member’s opinion. I would just suggest that next time you add a community member’s quote, explain their connection with the topic.
Grant Hietpas • Dec 17, 2017 at 10:11 pm
I’m a huge fan of this article. For the longest time I thought weed should be illegal, but this article really coherently shows the reasons why I changed my mind. Well done!
Linnea Phillips • Dec 17, 2017 at 8:34 pm
The poll adds a great sort of interactivity. Your opinion on the matter is clearly and respectfully stated, and you address the opposition in a good concession. Overall good job.