One act Beauty and the Beast demands roaring applause
As the story unfolds, Belle transforms in this modern day Beauty and the Beast put on by 20 SAHS students in the one act play competition held by Minnesota High School League. One acts are shorter plays that lack multiple acts.
Theatre students took part in one act plays that began on Jan. 28 for preliminary finals at SAHS. They continued Feb. 4 for finals at SAHS and ended on Feb. 12 for the state competition at The O’Shaughnessy, St. Catherine University in St. Paul.
Although the plays are shorter they still require a lot of time and effort put into them for the show to run smoothly. Rehearsals began right before winter break. They made a lot of changes and procrastinated a little bit, but the end result was still good.
“One act plays are a lot of work, but they are very fun. I enjoyed everything about them,” junior Nikki Mills said.
This year’s one act plays competition started with 12 schools . The preliminary portion was held at two different schools, six groups competed at each. The top three groups from each then participated at finals. From there the top group moved to state.
“We did not win, but we got second which was pretty great. We worked really hard, we would have liked to have gone to state but second is good too,” Mills said.
With this competition there are strict requirements that come into play. Everything has to be run by students the director may stand by to supervise, but that is the only participation he or she may have. The group number can not exceed 20 students. The group participating has ten minutes to set up their set and the whole set cannot exceed ten by ten. The whole show itself can not exceed 35 minutes.
“Since we were not allowed to switch our set up, I played the castle spirit that moved stuff around between scenes to get ready for the upcoming scene,” senior Ben Olsen said.
This enchanting yet dark tale is much different than the Disney version. This version follows Belle more closely and watches her transformation rather than how the beast transforms. The tale takes a twisted turn and Beast ends up dying in the end.
“I really enjoyed Disney’s Beauty and the Beast so playing the role of beast was pretty great, it’s been my favorite role to play and it’s brought a great new experience for acting during these one act play’s,” senior Noah Campbell said.
One act plays not only can help with budding actors but they help with students who still have yet to find their love for acting or even students who just want to make some new friends. Many students did not even expect to be apart of the show, but ended up loving every moment of the process.
“I was originally not apart of the show, two of my friends had asked me to join but I had told them no because it just was not my thing, a week or so passed and I saw and heard how much fun they were having and decided to give it a try. It ended up being a lot of fun and I met several new people along the way,” Olsen said.

Taylor spends most of her free time reading, writing and spending time with her family. She spent most of her summer at Taco Bell probably eating too many...
Samantha Flipp • Mar 30, 2016 at 3:56 pm
In your nutgraph, you make it sound like our school’s one act team advanced to state which we did not. We took 2nd place in finals. However, you used really good quotes and most of the information was correct, such as the rules of one act competitions. You must have done some research on that, good for you! Well done article!
Caroline Allessi • Mar 29, 2016 at 9:19 pm
I think overall, the article provided all the information that someone could want to know about the one act play competition. However, the title lead me to believe it would be more focused on our one act, which it wasn’t. Also, the story could use better flow. Some of the quotes didn’t really fit where they were put and it jumped topics a lot. But when you look past those things, it is an informative, quality article
Karisma Vang • Mar 29, 2016 at 8:05 pm
I really loved the use of pictures and quotes in this article because the pictures are fun and playful. Which match the quotes, but also shows how much each person came along to joining the one act play. Even though they didn’t win, you can really see that everyone still had a great time.
Rose Stoebner • Mar 29, 2016 at 8:03 pm
This article does a really good job informing the reader of what one act is along with catching the feel of the play and how the show went. The quotes were good and related to the article well but could have been a little longer. Article flowed from the technical aspect of the one act experience to the actual play very well and the only paragraph that could have used a little work was the introduction.
Emma Brandt • Mar 29, 2016 at 6:27 pm
Love the article mainly because it gets straight to the point and really does a great job covering the many points necessary to form a great article. I love how descriptive your language is in the article, amazing job!
Adam Sutcliffe • Mar 29, 2016 at 5:40 pm
This article gives an overall strong impression of the play, and really gives insight into the character of the actors involved with the production. Though brief, the article gives all information necessary- just like a one act play.
Brian Jaap • Mar 29, 2016 at 1:53 pm
This article is very well written, and clearly informs the readers about how the play was put together and why people came. The quotes were really meaningful.
Kaitlyn Wylie • Mar 9, 2016 at 4:40 pm
This article really makes you fell as if you are at the play, it is very descriptive and thoughtful. Taylor puts a lot of meaning and great quotes into this article.
Rachel Zinkgraf • Mar 9, 2016 at 12:31 pm
The article was very informative and straight to the point. The quotes really captures the opinions of the member of the club and really told a separate story. The story uses perfect language so i can really get emotion out of it.