Apple releases new update and products
October 15, 2013
It has been one year since the groundbreaking iPhone 5 came out, but on Sept. 20, the next step in the evolution of the iPhone was released. At the same time, the iOS 7 software came out which gives the layout of the phone a completely new look.
Apple is constantly updating. There is always something new. The iPhone 4S came out in Oct. 2011 and the iPhone 5 came out in Sept. 2012. It is as if there is no limit to advancements in technology for Apple Inc. The iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C came out this September and demand is so high that Apple is backed up until the end of October.

Between each of the updates, there is not always a significant change. Fixes to minor bugs and slight exterior improvements make the difference between iPhone 5 and the iPhone 5S. One has to consider whether the small changes are worth the money.
“The main difference is the name,” said junior Brittany Pooley, who has the iPhone 5C.
Along with the new phones, Apple introduced a major software update called iOS 7. The new software includes a fresh look as well as new features like iTunes Radio and Control Center. It is both advanced and simple. However, some are having trouble getting used to it.
“It’s more technologically advanced,” said junior Joe Snyder, who has just updated from the iPhone 5 to the iPhone 5S, “it’s kind of girly, but it’s alright.”
Apple advertises their products in a way that attracts average people. They claim to be sophisticated but still easy to figure out.
The iOS 7 page on Apple’s website claims that the new software is “simpler, more useful and more enjoyable, but still feels instantly familiar.”
It seems there are mixed feelings about iOS 7. People are still getting used to the new look. For others, it is all they have ever known.
“I didn’t have the iPhone before iOS 7,” said Pooley, “I’ve heard that people don’t like it because it’s cartoony, but I think it’s fine.”
Apple released the new phone and the new software at the same time because they go hand in hand. The iPhone 5S and 5C is designed for iOS 7 and vice versa.
Apple’s website states, “With a vibrant, lively interface and new features that take full advantage of the technology inside, iOS 7 is made for the iPhone 5C on every level.”
Apple will always be advancing. It is up to us to decide how often we update and what features are important in a phone. Before we know it, the changes will be revolutionary rather than evolutionary.