Businesses deserve to know criminal records

Eric Bromback

There has been some recent controversy over whether or not it should be legal for anyone to be able to search someone’s criminal record. Certain websites have always been in place to search for criminal records. People have now only been questioning if this is fair and legal to felons. The ability to search through anyone’s criminal record is legal because when business owners are hiring somebody, they deserve to know the employees background and parents should also feel safe sending their children to a school to be taught by a staff with a trustworthy background.

All you need is the person’s first and last name and a website will search nationwide for someone matching with a criminal record. There are a number of active websites that allow anyone to search someone’s criminal record although there is a small fee that needs to be paid to get the results. The question now is if searching criminal records is fair and legal to felons.

“I believe that if you have committed a criminal offense, anyone should be able to know if they really wanted to,” said senior Alex Jurcoui.

There is also controversy around whether or not people should be charged to see the results of the person’s criminal record or not. Right now anyone can see that someone has a criminal record but they cannot see the details.

“If someone has a criminal record, the person searching should not be denied or have to pay to see the results,” said senior Gage LeBourgeois.

By having anyone be able to search someone’s criminal record, it will also ensure people of who they are hiring or who people are being around.

“It will allow parents to protect their children by being able to monitor and see what people their kids are around,” said sophomore David Holmes. “Like teachers or babysitters.”

Although some people believe that anyone having the ability to search someone’s criminal record is an invasion of privacy and should be illegal, they need to be aware of the threats someone with a history of felonies can bring to the workplace or home.

The ability to search through anyone’s criminal record is legal because when business owners are hiring somebody, they deserve to know the employees background and parents should also feel safe sending their children to a school to be taught by a staff with a trustworthy background.