‘Hockey Moms’ shoots and scores in Stillwater

 A Stillwater mom has come into the spotlight by starring in the new show “Hockey Moms“.

The show follows four different hockey moms: Angie, Shontel, Shay and Gwen. Hockey Moms airs Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. on 45 TV. Gwen Marty  is proud parent of two Stillwater kids: Truman Wojski, a 8th grade hockey player and Olivia Wojski, a junior at Stillwater High School.

Marty did not go out looking for fame and originally was not even going to apply for the show. She started to gain interest in the opportunity when her friends encouraged her to audition.

“I had heard about the show through Facebook and advertisements. My friends kept sending links to me saying that I should do it. So I thought about it and decided to apply. I actually sent my application in at around 10 o’clock when they were due at midnight, so it was a pretty last minute decision,” Marty said.

Marty’s portion of the show is based around her life and how hockey affects her daily routine.

The camera crew films the family while they are doing everyday tasks and the interesting events that come up throughout their day.

“They basically come and film us doing what we would normally do, go to hockey games, family events hanging out at home and other things like that. You don’t really notice them a lot. They are just  kinda there,” Olivia said.  “My favorite part is going out in public with the cameras, because a lot of people look at us and ask us what we’re doing.”

Marty has a very outgoing and spunky personality that makes the show a fun adventure. She is never afraid to speak her mind and almost never gets embarrassed.

“You know, it is kinda embarrassing, but at my age I figured why not. I told the kids ‘what have we got to lose?’ It’s not often you get to say you were on TV as a teenager,” Marty said.

Olivia has a similar outlook on the show. She does not mind being on TV, but is a little more introverted than her mom and does not like the attention as much as her mom does.

“I don’t get embarrassed too much, but sometimes she just doesn’t have a filter,” Olivia said. “The editors get to choose what things they put in the show, so sometimes it’s like why’d you have to choose that.”

Marty is also very true to the term “Reality TV”. She prides herself on being true to her views and personality on TV.

“I promised the producer that I would keep it really real. I do not act or fake anything. A lot of time people will ask if I’ve been acting and I’ll say absolutely not! If I was gonna watch somebody’s little reality show, I would hope that they are being real,” Marty stated.

This show is great for family viewing and many Stillwater students have taken an interest in it because of the local connection.

“I have watched it a couple times. I think it’s really interesting that someone from our school is on TV,” junior Nick Haggard said.

The family has had a fun and interesting time filming the show. They all agree that it has been an adventure that they will remember for a long time.

“It’s not so much about hockey, it’s about the life of a hockey mom,” Marty said.