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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Students on a year-round schedule are not able to attend most summer camps or mission trips. With a ten month schedule, students that attend young life are able to go to camps and meet new people.

Year-round school offers less time for relearning

Issy Boegel, Copy Editor March 2, 2019

"I would hate year-round school. I like summer vacation and having a long time off to just relax," senior Shamus Boe said. Students are aware of the 10 month calendar that includes the much anticipated...

Green New Deal is vital to the country's reputation as a respectable nation

Green New Deal is vital to the country’s reputation as a respectable nation

Grace Wirkkala, Online Editor February 11, 2019

Something must be done about climate change. It is understandable to hear of worry among younger generations when reputable sources like the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) report...

Death penalty for cop murderers unjustified

Death penalty for cop murderers unjustified

Issy Boegel, Copy Editor December 20, 2018

  The United States grants certain criminals with a death sentence everyday. President Donald Trump mentioned in his 2016 election that he would sign a executive order forcing those convicted...

Chemical Health Specialist Julia Geigle works with the students in the facility.

Changed access to Wellness Center raises questions

Max Kennedy, Distribution Reporter February 23, 2018

Alternative Copy Story by Max Kennedy The Wellness Center is a place within the high school for students to go if they are struggling with an emotional issues. However, many believe access to the wellness...

Flex time activities keep students engaged

Flex time activities keep students engaged

Ike Gunderson, Online Editor January 4, 2018

This year flex time was implemented and the focus is equity and students finding their passion. The overwhelmingly positive response raises the question: What are kids doing during flex time? The Pioneer...

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Shamus Boe