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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Infographic by McKenzie Bohlig

Dress codes are acceptable if equally enforced

McKenzie Bohlig, Copy Editor May 9, 2017

Recently, dress codes and their enforcement have been a controversial topic throughout the public. An instance that has recently raised debate was United Airlines dress coding two girls and making them...

The Feminism Club members met on Feb 6 to make signs to put up around the high school to spread awareness and hopefully inspire a few people to join. "I feel the purpose is both to educate our peers and also learn ourselves how to become more active feminists," Fry says.

Feminism Club creating change for better

Alex Ehde, Social Media Reporter February 13, 2017

r The newest club at the SAHS, the Feminism Club, is raising awareness for women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and minority interests around the community. The club has been recently started by Erica...

Sexism and censorship unfortunately alive and well

Sexism and censorship unfortunately alive and well

Abby Banks, Layout Editor November 15, 2016

A girl in LA has been told by her art teacher to cover up nudity in her art project after a parent night at the school where a mother complained about the project being “pornographic.” The project...

EIC column: Trembling voice proclaims strong message

EIC column: Trembling voice proclaims strong message

Lucy Langmack, Editor-in-Chief November 1, 2014

In an unintentional continuation of the Harry Potter movie series, the young actress of Hermione Granger passed on her wisdom to a room full of ambassadors in the United Nations New York headquarters on...

Photo by Katie Markert

EIC colum: Connotation of ‘feminism’ harms movement towards equality

Anna Kaul April 1, 2014

Feminism used to entail women searching for equal rights. Now the word has been mutilated, mangled and maimed to be a woman who hates men. So, why the shift in attitude? It’s not only men who believe...

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