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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Health teacher Ryan Bartowski's second hour class engages in physical activity. This is one the many acts of physical activity that can be engaged to help the body relieve stress.

Stress can affect physical, emotional health

Glenn Blazier, Broadcast Editor March 1, 2023

Stress can have severe effects on one's health. If people notice and treat stress before it gets out of hand, the physical effects will be less severe. Stress, after being built up, can lead to extensive...

Alternative copy story by Josh Framke.

Student Nutrition Advisory Council plans for healthier future

Jameson Stahl, Online Editor February 16, 2018

A majority of the options in the vending machines are unhealthy. Filled with Mountain Dew kickstart and pop, healthier options like chocolate milk are rarely seen in stock. The Student Nutrition Advisory...

The cardio room is full of new equipment like ellipticals and treadmills. Money from the PEP grant has helped purchase these tools. “We have lots of new equipment: basketballs, birdies for badminton, tons of new cardio equipment. Most every piece of equipment in the cardio room is brand new,” says PE teacher Ryan Bartosiewski. The technology has improved PE classes and Stillwater is starting to be known for its program.

Final year of $3 million PEP grant

Shad Kraftson, Distribution Reporter March 15, 2016

Stillwater was the only school in Minnesota and one of 60 in the country to get the Carol M. White Physical Education Program grant in 2013. They say the third time is a charm, but it was the fourth...

Soda companies cutting calories

Soda companies cutting calories

Sam Begin, Team Lead Editor October 14, 2014

The fact that soda has a lot of calories isn't really news to anyone, but the fact that the companies making those sodas are doing something about it is. In a recent announcement, three of the largest...

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Ryan Bartosiewski