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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

A Celsius energy drink is being sold in a high school vending machine, which has twice the healthy limit of caffeine for teens. There is no warning label on it and the caffeine amount listed on it is tiny.

Caffeine unquestionalbly dangerous for teens and young adults

Gibson Strub, Layout Editor December 13, 2023

Recently in October, a collage student named Sarah Katz, who went to Penn State University, died after drinking a highly caffeinated energy drink. The drink was a charged lemonade from Panera Bread that...

This is a photo of Panera Bread kitchens when there was only two staff employees working at the time.

Labor shortage affects businesses, employees

Charli Burdick-Kitchell, Graphic Editor and Copy Editor November 15, 2021

Minnesota has been experiencing a major labor worker shortage due to the COVID-19 pandemic and businesses are scrambling to keep up. During COVID-19, many employees left their jobs for safety reasons and...

This yard has seen an increase in dead fish due to chemicals running off into the yard. Because of this, fishing birds have considerably less food.

Climate change can no longer be questioned

Charli Burdick-Kitchell, Graphic Editor and Copy Editor October 23, 2021

The increase of environmental climate change is not an if anymore, it has been affecting everyone yesterday, today, tomorrow and across the globe to personal yards. Climate change is a cause-and-effect...

 Panera Bread provides people with all the information they need at their fingertips. Panera’s website lists all the nutrition facts including the ingredients for all of their dishes. Senior Sophie McNurlin says, “I do not consider Panera fast food because their food is fresh.”

Fast food industry using more organic foods

Jordan Fulin, Editor in Chief April 26, 2016

People are strolling around supermarkets filling their carts with non-organic food galore and do not even know it. Those same people may consider fast food restaurants their second home, familiar with...

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Panera Bread