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The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Mary Leadem Ticiu the Assistant Principal of the ALC gets flowers congratulating her for receiving the 50 over 50 award, recognizing her hard work and dedication to the ALC and its students. Ticiu has been at the ALC for three and a half years.

Leader behind ALC, Mary Ticiu, impacts students

Soren Danelius, Layout Editor December 6, 2018

As most students listen to their teacher's lecture or take notes, a small hallway in the back of the school learns in a different and interesting way. The ALC or  St. Croix Valley Alternative Learning Center...

EIC Column: ALC part of school community

EIC Column: ALC part of school community

Hailey Willius, Online Editor-in-Chief February 16, 2018

The St. Croix Valley Area Learning Center (ALC) has been moved to the high school campus this year. With each school running on different time schedules, a complete change in building size and environment,...

Tom Wendt teaches students about the formation of a chrysalis. Wendt says, "I wanted to be a part of a real alternative program with  a healthy environment for students."

Alternative Learning Center undergoes new changes

Evan Klein, Social Media Reporter November 7, 2016

  The St. Croix Valley Alternative Learning Center underwent many changes for the 2016-2017 school year, including getting new start times to align it with the High School's schedule. There...

Seniors Rayvon Simmons and Jack Haubrich drill into the canoe together. The canoe is meant to teach multiple skills including teamwork. “You really have to help out the other people working with you,” said Senior Raquel Ruiz

Canoe building teaches ALC students new skills

Sam Begin, Print Editor-in-Chief March 18, 2016

A canoe may be a mere sailing craft for most, but to the kids at the St. Croix Valley Area Learning Center, the humble craft represents much more. Through the spring, 12 ALC seniors will be constructing...

New principal brings new changes

Sarah Junko, Team Lead Editor October 1, 2014

The 2014 school year is promising to be full of new people and opportunities. This year one of the biggest changes is the newest staff member, Rob Bach. As the new head principal, Bach has many ideas on...

Students gather at Stillwater Area High School to discuss gender equality. They proposed actions that can be taken at the school and in the Stillwater area.

Students hold gender equality meeting

Cora Sutherland April 16, 2014

In the beginning of March, students led a meeting to discuss gender equality through Stillwater Area High School. Student leaders along with staff members were present at the meeting to either show their...

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Mary Leadem Ticiu