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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Members of feminism club come together discussing women’s liberation and equality.

Feminism club discusses women’s liberation

Olivia Kuslich, Graphics Editor and Online Editor January 19, 2022

Seniors Sophia Pietan and Eliza Weston establish feminism club in hopes to spread equality within the community. Beginning at the start of the school year, they discuss topics and watch films on the...

The Feminism Club members met on Feb 6 to make signs to put up around the high school to spread awareness and hopefully inspire a few people to join. "I feel the purpose is both to educate our peers and also learn ourselves how to become more active feminists," Fry says.

Feminism Club creating change for better

Alex Ehde, Social Media Reporter February 13, 2017

r The newest club at the SAHS, the Feminism Club, is raising awareness for women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and minority interests around the community. The club has been recently started by Erica...


Political women have positive and powerful impact

Hailey Willius, Online Editor February 13, 2017

Ilhan Omar, a newly elected Minnesota House Representative said, “No matter how many times we are assisting others to make decisions for us, we need to be the ones at that table. I want my voice...

Women's March, impactful on society

Women’s March, impactful on society

McKenna Wohlers, Social Media Reporter February 10, 2017

On Jan. 21 over 5 million people around the world and 1 million in Washington D.C. alone marched for women's rights. The march included men, women, dads, moms, children, families and friends all coming...

Sexism and censorship unfortunately alive and well

Sexism and censorship unfortunately alive and well

Abby Banks, Layout Editor November 15, 2016

A girl in LA has been told by her art teacher to cover up nudity in her art project after a parent night at the school where a mother complained about the project being “pornographic.” The project...

Most women enjoy taking care of their hygiene. Well, aside from the morning makeup routine and the extra half hour it takes for them to get their hair to cooperate on a good day. Nonetheless, it’s not surprising that there is a bulky selection of products to choose from when it comes to feminine products. What if a feminine product was compared to masculine one? Side by side the product itself is the same style and brand. The ingredients used to make the products are even the same. The main difference is the women’s product is packaged in bright pink, while the men’s product is a dull grey. That, and the barely noticable difference that the product in pink costs more than the product in grey, even though the products are nearly identical.

‘Pink tax’ causes high female product prices

Brianna Halverson, Social Media Reporter March 15, 2016

Men get one-to-two aisles to themselves in the body care section of any retail store. Women, on the other hand, can have ten or more aisles designated to female products. The shelves are laid with...

A total of 51 arrests were made at the rally. Everyone was booked and released after the demonstration.

Exploring Social Justice in our community

Jordan Fulin, Editor-in-Chief December 3, 2015

Social justice refers to the concept of equal opportunity and freedom to pursue, acquire and cease sources of education, income and wealth, and the bases of self-respect and relationship according...

EIC column: Trembling voice proclaims strong message

EIC column: Trembling voice proclaims strong message

Lucy Langmack, Editor-in-Chief November 1, 2014

In an unintentional continuation of the Harry Potter movie series, the young actress of Hermione Granger passed on her wisdom to a room full of ambassadors in the United Nations New York headquarters on...

Students gather at Stillwater Area High School to discuss gender equality. They proposed actions that can be taken at the school and in the Stillwater area.

Students hold gender equality meeting

Cora Sutherland April 16, 2014

In the beginning of March, students led a meeting to discuss gender equality through Stillwater Area High School. Student leaders along with staff members were present at the meeting to either show their...

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