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The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Marilyn Ruddy has been working in education for over 30 years. For the past 15 years she has been a substitute teacher in the school district. She recently became a full time sub at the high school, and has impacted many students.

Marilyn Ruddy celebrates 15+ years subbing

Mady Richert, Online Editor April 19, 2024

Marilyn Ruddy is 75 years old and has been working in education for over 30 years. For the past 15 years she has been a substitute teacher in the school district. She is a fan favorite substitute, that...

Part of the GSA club sitting around a table holding their weekly meeting.

‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill endangers Florida LGBTQ+ youth

Sydney Rodd, Layout Editor April 18, 2022

The "Don't Say Gay" bill introduced in Florida is working to restrict discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity within public schools. The bill has passed in the state's House and Senate, and...

Freshman Jaden Petersen spends his free time learning about finances. He finds them both interesting and vital to success later in life. Finances are seen in every aspect of adult life.

School should require financial literacy

Dorothy Chislett, Graphics Editor February 27, 2020

Financial literacy classes should be required if students are expected to lead an educated, financially independent life.  Students statistically show a lack of knowledge in important subjects such as...

Senior Meghana Acharya works in science teacher Doug Petty's third hour physics class. She solves a problem presented on the board during a lesson. Physics has been one of the more challenging courses that she has taken, Acharya describes.

Acharya strives for excellence throughout academic journey

Sandy Liu, Distribution Reporter November 30, 2019

Half a serotonin molecule, an eye set in a sun and a one-line sketch of a face. All of these designs are set in ink on her skin. The tattoo that holds the most significance for senior Meghana Acharya,...

Alternative Copy Story by Will Gleason

District drafts strategic plan: Profile of a Graduate

Kate Poor, Distribution Reporter February 17, 2018

Shaping curriculum is one of the most important jobs of teachers and school administrators. Profile of a Graduate is a new venture being taken on by the district to come up with ways to ensure the...

photo by Michael VanLieshout

American English departments lack diversity

Abby Banks, Print Editor-in-Chief October 28, 2017

Amidst heated debates about immigration reform, protests which have somehow made the general populace throw the First Amendment out the window, and hate crime rates skyrocketing, public education coats...

Reprinted with permission from Jack Lange

Trump administration rolls out controversial new sexual assault policy

Hannah Boardman, Print EIC October 25, 2017

In politics today, sexual assault is a controversial topic. There have been debates over what counts as substantial evidence, with the two options being preponderance of evidence or clear and convincing...

Project-based learning benefits students academically

Project-based learning benefits students academically

Megan Karnuth, Online Editor-in-Chief February 11, 2017

Learning is being compromised because high school students care more about their grades than actually learning the material. Students copy assignments to save time and their GPA. High school is the gateway...

Immigrants bring new ideas to community

Immigrants bring new ideas to community

Catherine Eliasen, Online Editor September 28, 2016

In recent politics, immigrants have been treated with hostility,  but a lack of diversity could be damaging students. In a state known for its inclusiveness, Minnesota stands out for its cultural sameness....

Staff Editorial: high school needs more preparatory classes

Staff Editorial: high school needs more preparatory classes

Pony Express Staff December 3, 2015

School, a place for learning and growing. It’s a place that should prepare students for real life and get them on the track to success. After 13 years in such an institution, they should be ready...

 Denise Pontrelli, Josiah Hill and Red Pony Center secretary Nina Geiser met together to talk about how staff feel about their job and their interactions with students. Typically, from a young age, children choose to be teachers from an example an old teacher brought upon them. “I want to feel the same fulfillment as my own teachers felt, and I hope teachers in the school feel the same way,” Hill said.

Pontrelli and Hill explore schools for National Education Week

Governess Simpson, Layout Editor November 20, 2015

While students strive for academic success, this week, Superintendent Denise Pontrelli and Josiah Hill, English teacher and Union President, will be learning from all the schools in the district. National...

Graphic by Clara Ilkka  New York officials are implementing a pre-K proposal for all students.v

New New York pre-k program has potential

Ryan Longnecker May 21, 2014

In the United States, the average child starts public schooling at five years old. That is their entrance into kindergarten and a whole new life. They are there to learn all kinds of new, unimaginable...

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