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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Head coach and social studies teacher Wayne Perkins speaks first at the debate tournament. This debate tournament was a memorial to a former Capitan Anne LaRayne Messelt who touched the lives of many current capitans and members of the debate team who saddily passed away in her sleep. After Perkins and all the capitans spoke, Anne's mother went up to the podium and made a heart touching speach.

Debate team has an amazing winning season

Andrew Linnell, Layout Editor December 3, 2024

Debate is having an amazing season on this 2024 season. Multiple members have been 4-0, meaning that they have a winning streak in topics while competing this season dominating over 20 to 30 different...

Senior captain Kyra Kellogg, senior Tommy White, and junior Ava Roots are in a debate team meeting. They are listening to coach Corey Quick discuss the topic for the first three tournaments.

Debate team prepares for upcoming season

Ava Stein, Graphics and Online Editor October 20, 2021

"We're outside of the virtual environment. We had a ton of new novice debaters show up," debate coach Corey Quick said. While helping the novices get into the swing of things, returning members of the...

Soren Gabor and Amelia Bretl participate in their first online debate competition.

Debate team begins their season online

John Piekarski, Podcast Reporter October 14, 2020

The Stillwater debate team has found success in recent years, and with new COVID-19 guidelines, debate has been forced to adapt and change how they operate. As of now, all debate team competitions will...

Allison Shore and Izzy Goetze are a power duo for the debate team. Their team has a new assistant coach, Laura Hammond. The girls are seen practicing in school on October 9th.

Debate team learns about space travel

Meg Skaret, Layout Editor October 20, 2019

The 2019 debate season started with many new debate members on the team. Along with the new novice population in the club, former head coach, English teacher Laura Hammond returns as an assistant coach...

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Debate team