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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Ryan Jensen has been hired to be the new Symphonic and Concert Orchestra conductor at SAHS. He joins the Varsity orchestra during their class period and conducts music with them.

New orchestra director Ryan Jensen joins music staff

Ella Hamilton, Social Media Editor June 14, 2021

The Stillwater orchestra program learned changes were ahead on August 21. Orchestra director Zach Sawyer announced he was leaving Stillwater to move to the Boston area with his fiance to be closer to family....

Students in the Wind Ensemble work hard during their class period. They are preparing for their May concert.

Wind Ensemble prepares for outdoor concert

Ella Hamilton, Social Media Editor May 27, 2021

A year ago, Stillwater band students would not have imagined doing an outdoor concert this spring, much less forced outside because of a pandemic. With so many changes this school year, classes, such as...

Employees Victoria Amundson and Makena Kath are hard at work in the Daily Grind. The Daily grind is serving up coffee and on their 215th day of pay it forward gifts.

The Daily Grind’s pay it forward act creates positivity in community

Ella Hamilton, Social Media Editor November 25, 2020

The Coronavirus has had a major impact on a lot of small businesses, The Daily Grind is just one of them. However, despite the challenges of COVID-19, some people have still been inspired to help out....

Paula Harrison and the Unified class follow along to a dance video. Dancing is one of the many activities students enjoy together in this class.

Paula Harrisons journey in teaching creates unity

Ella Hamilton, Social Media Editor November 18, 2020

Paula Harrison looked down at the icy cold water, grabbed the warm hands of the anxious teenage students next to her and they jumped in. The freezing lake water was so cold that when her body hit the water...

Students of the Freshmen Men's Choir join together to rehearse their music. Although they are wearing masks and six feet apart, they still can be together and create music through this pandemic.

Choir still find ways to create music through pandemic

Ella Hamilton, Social Media Editor November 9, 2020

Much time and energy has gone into the planning for this school year, so many aspects are different than what has ever been seen due to the Coronavirus. Choir is one class that has been affected and has...

This is the new seating arrangement in the cafeteria for the 2020 school year. The cafeteria looks very quiet and empty due to the individual desks and the reduced number of students attending to lunch.

COVID-19 creates new cafeteria set up

Ella Hamilton, Social Media Editor October 1, 2020

This 2020 school year is already unlike anything ever seen. One of the many differences is the cafeteria. Inside the cafeteria, students see individual desks spread out six feet apart so the contact between...

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