Tubman poster contest comes to the health classes
More stories from Katie Beedle
Graphic Illustration by Megan Aller
The poster campaign is to help people out of abusive relationships. “I would participate in creating posters because it is a good and easy source of money and it’s for a good learning cause and experience,” said junior Brianna Carlson.
The Tubman’s Womens shelter has been helping rescue primarily women, but also men, from abusive relationships since it was founded in 1974. Once a week a representative from Tubman comes to Stillwater Area High School to inform students about abusive relationships and resources like Tubman where they can find help.
Tubman is holding a poster cover contest, with a $100 prize to the person who makes the most creative or inspiring poster to represent domestic abuse. The contest was made in hopes to get the word out about Tubman and other resources like it in hopes that people in abusive relationships will seek help.
A representative from Tubman comes to both health teachers Erin Nickleby and Adam Yeager’s health classrooms once a week to inform students in health about abusive relationships.
Junior Kyrstin Myhers said, “I’ve learned a lot about domestic abuse and what types of relationships are healthy and what are not.”
The poster contest is appealing to students trying to help this cause; many have not been informed and would like to learn more.
“I would participate in creating posters because it is a good and easy source of money and it’s for a good learning cause and experience,” said junior Brianna Carlson.
The representatives from Tubman keep the class entertaining, yet informative.
“I like Anna [representative from Tubman] and I think she keeps good interaction and movement throughout the classroom, it helps with keeping everyone focused,” said Carlson.
They also tell stories to students of residents, keeping sources anonymous, at Tubman and how they came to be there.
Myhers said, “We’ve only been told one story, but it was shocking to hear what could happen to a person who just wanted to be treated with respect.”
Tubman’s shelter is constantly trying to get the community active in helping their cause. There are many options to donate to or volunteer for Tubman.
Tubman’s website stated, “There are countless ways YOU can help.”
The poster contest is trying to get the word out about abusive relationships. Many people did not know of resources like Tubman before taking health class.
“I had never heard of Tubman before the representative came in. I’m glad that they did though, I’m surprised more people aren’t informed on this topic, and I’m sorry I wasn’t until now,” said Myhers.
Visit Tubman.org to learn more about Tubman’s Women Shelter and find more ways to help this cause.
Chris Faffler • Jan 6, 2016 at 11:00 pm
I feel like this article goes above and beyond just informing people of tubman and informs us that we can take part in helping. Great job writing. The last quote really hits it hard that we should all know about this topic.
Paul Hudachek • May 6, 2014 at 3:55 pm
My favorite part of this article is Brianna Carlson’s quote, where she says that the poster would be easy money. I feel like this would be something that would otherwise be edited out of the article because it may not necessarily fit the vibe of the article. I believe, though, that it’s honesty really makes it stand as an article honestly reporting the feelings of high schoolers, rather than editorializing the article to a specific theme. I really wish I could have seen some of the posters, though, and the pixelation of the art was a little frustrating to see.