Shanley drives for Gold Award
January 26, 2020

Juniors Emily Shanley and Johanna Teegarden smile during a Girl Scout fundraiser. Teegarden and Shanley have been in Girl Scouts together since first grade.
As citizens pass through the hospital, they may notice changes in the availability of media sources such as books and board games.
While it may seem like Girl Scouts is fun and games, hard work and determination is necessary. Junior Emily Shanley is a perfect example of this work ethic. From a young age, Shanley decided something needed to be done about the lack of activities in the psychiatric portion of local hospitals.
While explaining the roots of this passion, Shanley said, “My grandma was in the hospital a lot, and she didn’t really have any books and they didn’t have a library at her hospital… so I figured this would really help people.”
Where it all began
Shanley began Girl Scouts around first grade. “I really wanted to join because my friend Johanna was in it, and she really liked it and her mom was the leader. She told me it would really help me grow in some areas,” Shanley explained.
Girl Scout and junior Johanna Teegarden has been friends with Shanley since before she started Girl Scouts. Since then, their friendship has only grown.
“She’s so kind and she works so hard with everything does,” Teegarden added.
Shanley’s friend was right, Shanley certainly has grown. According to troop leader Angela Heart, Shanley has grown tremendously over the years.
“It’s really fun to see how the girls have grown over the years into wonderful people each with their own remarkable talents and traits,” Heart explained.
This project is how Shanley will accomplish her Gold award, a prestigious award Girl Scouts attempt to achieve. According to Heart, the goal of the Gold Award is for, “each Girl Scout is to work independently of the Girl Scout leaders and her parents. All the work [Shanley] has put in to her project is through a mentor she has chosen outside of Girl Scouts and all the work she has done is through her own initiative and hard work.”
The Gold Award project
While hauling books back and forth from the hospital for her grandma, Shanley wondered how other patients got books or games. Imagine spending hours without end in a room with nothing to read and no games to play. To Shanley, this problem needed to be fixed.
“I wanted to get some libraries or game spaces for mental health promoting areas at some hospitals that don’t have that,” Shanley explained. “I’m going to try and gather donations from other people with old games and old books they don’t like and specialize them for hospitals and some shelters that don’t have them.”
Shanley has put in over 80 hours of service towards this project. This is no easy task, even for the best Girl Scouts. However, the thought of people not as fortunate as her grandma, who had family to bring her entertainment, keeps Shanley going.
With her time spent in hospitals, Shanley has developed a new passion for the medical field.
When asked what she wanted to be when she graduated, she said, “I really want to become a registered nurse.”
“Oh, I can definitely picture Emily as a nurse,” Teegarden added.
However, when talking about possible careers for Shanley, Heart said, “There isn’t any one career that stands out. By creating a project from start to finish, you learn how to communicate with people in the community, figure out a plan to accomplish your goal, come up with a budget for that plan and then figure out how to make it happen and to make is sustainable. Those are all traits and accomplishments any employer would love to see or that she could use for her own business. What she’s doing now for her project will help her for any future endeavor or career.” To Heart, Shanley would be perfect for any job after this enormous project.
“Thinking things through from start to finish and doing things that may not always be in your comfort zone builds a lot of self-confidence, courage and determination,” Heart explained. This is a major take away not only for Shanley, but readers as well.
Through first hand experience, Shanley realized something had to be done about the lack of literary resources and activities throughout the mental health promoting areas. She decided that problem would be the perfect area to focus her Gold Award on. The fire behind this burning passion of hers is her grandma. Through her hard work and persistence, Shanley hopes to create a healthier environment for hospital patients.
“A healthy mind helps get a healthy body,” Shanley added.
John Franklin • Feb 5, 2020 at 9:17 pm
As a kid who got the equivalent award in Scouts BSA, I feel like this article really got the spirit of this award. I could feel the hard work and determination into becoming a Gold award recipient. Great Job!!!
Brianne Johnson • Feb 5, 2020 at 8:12 pm
This article has great facts and quotes. I like how you included information from her friends. This story has great information from start to finish. Great job
Emma Wagner • Feb 4, 2020 at 11:04 pm
This is a very strong article. It was really nice to read about the community and Emily’s life. The quotes tied in really well and overall the story had great language.
Rachel Duerr • Feb 4, 2020 at 5:34 pm
I really liked how you added Emily’s friends into the story, it was cool to read how highly they think of her. The lead was quite strong which captured the reader. Nice job!!
Elaina Mankowski • Feb 3, 2020 at 6:46 pm
This article had very strong facts and the quotes you chose backed them up very well. I liked your choice of sources and thought it was a good idea to have her best friend as a source.
Maria Supan • Feb 3, 2020 at 1:29 pm
Love this article! Its very interesting and the beginning just grabs you in and makes you want too read more. Such an entertaining and inspiring story!
Eleanor Gag • Jan 30, 2020 at 12:41 pm
Amazing job Natalie! I am so impressed with this article and all the variety of words. You really drew my attention and your quotes flowed perfectly with the feature!
Anastasia Bertsch • Jan 30, 2020 at 11:13 am
This story was so interesting to read, you did a great job keeping it interesting the whole time. You had super strong quotes and laid the story out really well.
Ava Hoelzel • Jan 30, 2020 at 9:23 am
I like how you started the story, I like the way you laid out the three paragraph introduction. The lead starts out with a good amount of information with out giving away the whole story. The story is also very descriptive.
Haley Nelson • Jan 28, 2020 at 9:17 am
I am so interested in this story. It was very well written from beginning to end. All the quotes are so strong and all the work finding information before interviewing is noticed. You did a very nice job on this.
Alexis Brainard • Jan 27, 2020 at 5:13 pm
I loved this article. I really stood out to me because I was in girl scouts for a long time but I stopped in elementary school. It really cool how this article is about someone that is accomplishing something really great. I never knew Emily was still in girl scouts till I saw this article. The layout of it was done very well and the way it was put together is great. The quotes used helped with the flow of the story and really helped the story pop. Great article!