Long-Range Facility Planning Task Force need volunteers
Reccommendations made by the Long-Range Facility Planning Task Force volunteers will be presented to the school board throughout the year. This task force will ensure the safety of our facilities and district as a whole.
April 22, 2019
To better our district and community as a whole and furthermore better the future of our facilities in the district, volunteers will help make this possible.
The district is covening new members for a Long-Range Facility Planning Task Force. This new wave of volunteering community members will include parents and staff with great diversity.
The role played by these volunteers that will serve on this committee will consider how the district can best manage and utilize its facilities in the now and into the future.
Vice chair Shelley Pearson said, “Parents of students of all ages, staff members, and community members have applied and they come from all areas of the district and have varying backgrounds because some have served on district committees in the past, and some are new.”
The jobs this task force will be performing are to review the conditions of existing buildings, future security to ensure the safety of our buildings, review student programs and long term student enrollment, the districts strategic plan, and finally, review the overall district capacity of people in our buildings.
Pearson said, “Most people want to be engaged and to be a part of something positive that has the potential to make our district stronger.”
With the recommendations this committee will collaborate on, these ideas and recommendations will be presented to the school board at school board meetings throughout the year from May through Dec. 2019. Topics that will be talked about include utilizing space, enhancing facilities and maintenance projects.
“A Long-Range Facilities Planning committee will consider all facility needs, both current and anticipated, in our district and bring a recommendation to the board about how to best move forward in regards to our facilities,” Pearson said.
This committee will not only be responsible for presenting recommendations to the school board, but it is crucial these members make sure their recommendations have the criteria of being something to better in our district in the future. By ensuring this, the school board will be one step ahead in making sure the district is ensured to have a safe and positive environment.
“People care about the district and how we spend their money and meet the needs of their children,” Pearson said.
Volunteering is a great way to give back. From volunteering, the community will become a better place with helping hands. The community members apart of this task force are passionate about making the district a safer place.
“It is absolutely important to volunteer and give back to our communities,” Pearson said. “When everyone gives, we are all stronger and we are better together.”
A lot of work is put in to ensure our large district is safe and is the best place for students to learn and grow. With the helping hands of community volunteers, the district will become a better place. As this new wave of people a part of this committee strive for success, they will ensure the safety of our district now and into the future.
Committee member applications ended March 10. If you have any suggestion or ideas for the Long-Range Facility Planning Task Force, contact comments@stillwaterschools.org.