Citizens should have respectful response to George H.W. Bush’s death


Photo by Emma Stansbury

There are places and mourners to go to for a person to grieve in their own way. These places and monuments are created for the public to honor the ones who have passed to carry on their legacy.

Emma Stansbury, Distrubtion Reporter

A person grieves and responds to death in different ways, but is there a correct way to respond to the death of a prominent figure? George H.W. Bush died on Nov. 30, 2018, and served the United States from 1942-1945. Many people including Donald and Melania Trump, Obama, and Al Gore, along with various news outlets like CNN, have had a positive outlook on his life after he passed away.

Bush led America through 9/11 and several other tragedies. Bush worked hard to get where he was, including years of domestic politics.

“I just reflect on the positive things that they’ve done instead of the negative,” junior Delaney Wagner said about the best way to respond to the death of a prominent figure.

Bush was well respected by society during 9/11. The people were reported to be pleased with President Bush’s excellent leadership and speaking skills at the time.

I think it is okay to critique someone’s career. It’s probably not appropriate to go after personal attacks at least not right after they’ve passed.

— Ryan Miller

“I think overall George H.W. Bush’s intentions were to serve the United States and the way that he felt he could serve it best,” history teacher Ryan Miller said.

The responses on CNN are positive. The responses praise George H. W. Bush’s time serving the country. Everyone is free to have their given opinion on a person or concept, especially if the person is well known.

“I thought he was a good person, he led us through a lot of stuff he’s done. Everyone makes mistakes but I think he was a good person overall,” sophomore Gabe Beyer said.

People are responding to George H. W. Bush’s death in positive and negative ways. Most news outlets like CNN are praising what he did for our country, but critiquing a person’s choices after they die might not be appropriate or respectful.

“Tere were critiques of leadership so I wouldn’t say that it’s inappropriate. The timing might feel a little weird because we haven’t had a president pass away in a while. But I think it is okay to critique someone’s career. It’s probably not appropriate to go after personal attacks at least not right after they’ve passed,”  Miller explained.

The population is free to have its own opinion on a given topic, but they should be limit on how negative comments are. Respective criticism is the best was to respond to a given person’s death.