New and improved Afton Alps
Afton Alps preps for new season with Vail by putting in two new tow ropes, a brand new terrain park, and Epic Mix. Senior Lucas Ingalls said, “I hear my friends talking all the time about how excited they are for the terrain parks. It seems like that’s all they talk about.”
November 24, 2013
Last year, Vail bought Afton Alps, which meant lots of changes have been made to the ski resort. Work was done last summer, so the riders will see the difference this year. All employees, skiers, snowboards and tourists will be going to the new, Afton Alps.
Vail is spending $10 million to improve the ski resort. Not only are they expanding the resort, they are greatly improving terrain parks, advancing the chalet’s dining and kitchens, improving snow guns, and more.
Senior Diana Gunderson said, “Afton’s new saying is that it will be epic, and I completely agree with that statement. I think that with Vail buying Afton it will create great advantages, not only on the hill, but in the chalet. I’m excited to see the changes.”
With Vail now owning Afton Alps it clearly sets a higher standard for Afton. This will improve Afton’s reputation in a good way. With lots of competition in Minnesota, people who know Afton is now owned by Vail will choose to ski there.
Junior Siri Brachman said, “I tend to head out to Trollhaugen a lot during the winter because of its longer seasons, but now that I heard Vail is buying it and making many improvements I think Afton might move to the top of my list.”
Not only are these changes great to the customers, but also to the employees. Every Afton Alps employee will become a Vail employee which means free lodging and free skiing in Vail. Also the customers of Afton who buy season passes will receive 25 percent off at any of the resorts Vail owns.

Employee Ana Frascone said, “The new perk with Vail owning Afton I like most is the free skiing and lodging at Vail, I will definitely be making it out to Vail this winter.”
One of Vail’s main focuses in improving Afton is advancing the snowmaking operators. They will improve them and receive many more to expand the ski season. They are adding 72 new snowmaking guns of all different sizes. There will be a new pump house with wider pipes that can make snow twice as fast. Afton will open earlier and stay open later in the season. This will be a great advantage to the employees and riders.
Senior Lucas Ingalls said, “I hear my friends talking all the time about how excited they are for the terrain parks and the snow guns this year. It seems like that’s all they talk about.”
With the brand new changes being made, the changes will be interesting to see how it impact the customers and employees. Many people will want to check it out and see what the hype is about.
Olivia Braun • Jan 12, 2014 at 6:38 am
i think the changes have helped improve Afton a lot and have made it more accessible to those of all ages and levels. This article had very compelling quotes and strong links to further support it. Very good detail written at a neutral standpoint.
Brooke Gedatus • Jan 6, 2014 at 11:41 pm
This article was really informative to people who know nothing about Afton as well as too people who go there regularly. You did a good job emphasizing all the changes made while keeping the article an interesting read.
Quentin Ikuta • Dec 20, 2013 at 6:43 pm
This article about the new and improved afton alps is very well written and articulated upon. There is a large multitude of facts and comments, proving the new park to be a very fun getaway rather than an everyday ski hill. Very nice job integrating the facts about all the improvements into the way vail is focusing on certain aspects of the park such as the snow making. This article is very informative and not opinionated, just like a home article should be.
Brooke Gedatus • Nov 30, 2013 at 3:27 am
I dont really go top Afon a lot myself, but this article did a great job of explaining in a lot of detail the changes made and will get lots of attention because of how popular this topic is, especially for high school students.
Megan Katula • Nov 27, 2013 at 4:32 am
I think this article will catch the attention of lots of people as the subject is popular already. It’s well written and very informative. Good use of facts and quotes.
Tyler Malmberg • Nov 27, 2013 at 4:05 am
This is a really well written article, I’m actually excited for skiing this year!
Matthew Flock • Nov 27, 2013 at 3:37 am
Great article! I enjoyed learning the new features coming to afton.
Jasmine Amos • Nov 27, 2013 at 2:04 am
Really good article, and super informative. Even though I don’t go to Afton the article makes it sound very appealing because of the changes!
Sam Jakupciak • Nov 27, 2013 at 2:04 am
I’m impressed to see that there will be so many changes, I thought it was going to be a basic revamp of some of the chalets and no more. I am a little disappointed that 10 million dollars did not buy some new runs, perhaps some more extreme terrain or something like that. There is plenty of unused land surrounding the area.
nick Wanovich • Nov 27, 2013 at 12:45 am
This article was very informative for anyone who didn’t know much about this topic like myself. Good facts about the changes like the $10 million being spent and on what
Abe Masters • Nov 27, 2013 at 12:27 am
Very good article! Interesting to read with the facts and even some good quotes that related directly to the article.
Eric Bromback • Nov 26, 2013 at 8:02 pm
As a former skier at Afton Alps, this article makes me want to go back! This article was very informative about the new changes and made me look forward to the opening to hear what the people have to say.
Megan • Nov 26, 2013 at 5:18 pm
As an employee at Afton Alps, I think that the changes have been made for the better. The new saying “epic”, is definitely a great word to describe the new park and hills. It will definitely be a huge change to the whole resort. We are expecting a lot of people coming out this year. As Erin said, It will a huge advantage to its riders and employees.
Ahnika Kroll • Nov 26, 2013 at 2:11 pm
Even though I don’t visit Afton enough personally to think these changes will effect me I think this is a well written article that showcases the changes and the whole set up nicely for Stillwater students who will be effected by the buy out. I think the addition by Siri was good because it shows that these new changes might even draw in more business for Afton Alps. Great work, Erin!
Zak Mantel • Nov 26, 2013 at 2:39 am
The new Afton Alps is in fact in the epic family. Just because of the subject, I had to read the full article. I am personally very excited for the ski season, and to get out to the improved Afton as much as possible this winter. The author did a wonderful job at describing the Vail’s additions and improvements to the local ski hill. A favorite quote is Frascone’s about heading out west to Vail, because as an employee I am excited to head out west to Vail this season as well. Overall, the author’s reporting of what’s to come at Afton and the subject itself were phenomenal.