The Stylus shows off student artwork

July 20, 2013
There are many students who are into the arts, such as writing, taking photographs and creating original pieces of art. Other than being put on display there is a way for students to show off their work at the high school, the Stylus.
The Stylus is designed and organized by the Yearbook staff. Students who want their artwork to be apart of the Stylus have to submit an original piece and the members of the Yearbook staff sort through all of the artwork. There is no requirement of being in an art course at the high school, so students who create artwork in their free time are still able to submit it.
The Stylus is a booklet that has a compilation of poems, photographs, drawings, paintings, and graphics that were created by students at the high school.
Senior Morgan Root, who is one of the editors, said, “It’s a creative arts magazine consisting of student work, and any student is free to submit artwork, photography, short stories, and poetry.”
The Stylus helps students to be able to show off their artwork, and be seen for their talents.
Junior Maddison Riebe said, “I think it allows people to view the students artwork, and have them appreciate and notice it.”
Students are encouraged to submit some of their writings or artwork for the Stylus.
Riebe recalls why she submitted her work, “I wanted to share it with other people and to be able to put my views and perspective out there for people to see.”
The Stylus had a lack of submitions this year, so they are having to pick some of the pieces of artwork done by the art classes.
Root said, “We also had to take some artwork created in the art classes, such as AP Studio Art, and plan to use it in the magazine.”
Along with artwork students can sumbit original poems, or any piece of writing to the Stylus.
Senior Kayla Wilson said, “I submitted a poem to the Stylus.I just always liked writing and wanted to inspire people but also kind of let people know who I really am through my writing.”
If students are interested in getting their art published someday, the Stylus is a good way to get their career started.
Emily Ness • Nov 7, 2013 at 12:35 am
Nicely done! Explaining the Stylus was great because not everyone knows what it is. I thought that crediting the yearbook staff for creating the Stylus was wonderful! Your quotes are very compelling. It was nice to hear from the artists themselves. I loved the closing. Maybe a former SAHS art student will become the next Picasso!