Harrison retires after 28 years of teaching

Photo by Soel Riser

Physical education teacher Paula Harrison teaches Unified PE usually in the wrestling gym. She does really fun activities with her students.

Soel Riser, Social Media Editor

Paula Harrison has had an astonishing career teaching gym and has decided to retire at the end of this year.

Harrison has been able to help a lot of people throughout her career. People view school and life differently now because of her.

“She has changed peoples lives, I have been working with her for four years and she has changed my life incredibly. She opens a lot of doors and creates lots of opportunities for kids who have not had in the past,” senior Tom Blair said.

It is important that every student gets adequate fitness. Harrison wants to have a big impact on students and make fitness fun and enjoyable for them.

Harrison is “hopeful” that she has changed people’s thought process on fitness. 

One of the gym classes Harrison teaches is Unified PE. She enjoys seeing unified students having fun and being included in activities.

“In Unified gym we start with doing basic skills that the students need to work on whoever is in the class and I show them how to adapt and make the activity work for all of the students depending on if they are in a wheelchair, if they are having visual problems, if they have trouble with their grip, catching or throwing. I modify things to help those students,” Harrison said.

After 28 years of teaching, students are sad to see her leave. She has created a lot of memories and connections for many different students.

“She brings out the best in students and she gives them a lot of memories that they can keep with throughout their whole life,” junior Nick Hornbuckle said.

Harrison has been loved around the community ever since she started teaching. She knows how to have fun with her students and it has a big impact on them.

Nick Hornbuckle thinks she is a super good teacher and knows how to connect with students and have fun.

Once people retire, it opens a lot more free time and opportunities to do something fun. Ms. Harrison plans to do a lot of things after retirement.

“I love being with my family, my son just had a little boy and we’re gonna be able to visit him and I have two granddaughters here in town I can visit. Whatever I want on my own schedule which is nothing specific,” Harrison said.

Even though Harrison is leaving after this year, she has left a huge impact on the community.