Benjamin Straka selected as Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction
Benjamin Straka is showing his Clase Nobel Educator of Distinction award. He is a biology and astronomy teacher. This award is a great honor and he is very proud of it.
October 26, 2022
Benjamin Straka, one of the biology and astronomy teachers, was nominated by a student and selected to be a Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction over the summer.
Straka has been in the Stillwater School District for a long time, spanning 19 years. Before he moved up to the high school, he taught earth science, physical science, food science and life science to middle school students at Oak-land Junior High.
He wanted to be a teacher even during his childhood. He was “the bossiest kid in the neighborhood,” playing teacher with all of the other neighborhood kids.
“It was kind of the first step into, ‘hey, I really like doing this and being a part of something that I can see myself doing in the future,’” Straka explained.
An inspiring memory that sticks out to him is when he went to his middle school open house for the first time.
“I was really nervous going into middle school,” Straka said. “I vividly remember going to open house night with my mom and coming up to the biology room. And she said, ‘This used to be my favorite class when I was in middle school,’ just trying to calm my fears.” He went on, “It always stuck with me that I could be a really good biology teacher and it would make my mom happy and honor her time when she was just trying to calm me down.”
After his many years of teaching, Straka has many students who really admire him, including senior Sydney Rodd, who was the student to nominate him for the award. She took his astronomy class last school year and is currently his student assistant.
“He really helped me figure out what I wanted to do in college, because I walked into that class not knowing what to do because I switched out of ASL for astronomy and then about a month into class, I was like, I could be an aerospace engineer,” Rodd said. “I still want to go into engineering, maybe not aerospace engineering, but he really helped me figure out what I want to do.”
Another student positively impacted by him is junior Cameron Winters. He was not only Winter’s biology teacher last year, but he was his track coach as well. Whenever things were getting tough for Winters, whether it was sports or school, Straka was “always there to help and to understand.”
Beyond these two students, there are dozens of others who have thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated Straka’s classes. With all the experience under his belt, he’s picked up many ways to connect with his students.
“It’s the little things,” Straka said. “It’s going around and making sure that every kid feels like they’re individually cared for in my class.”
“What I’ve decided to do throughout my career is to have those one on one conversations and try to make sure that kids know they can come in and learn from me or get any help they can at any time,” Straka added.
Straka reflected on his teaching strategy that helped contribute to his success as a teacher.
“You might not connect to every single teacher that you ever have, and that’s okay, you don’t connect with every human being in this world. It’s trying to make connections so it’s going to enlighten you and enrich you in different areas of your life.” Straka said.
“Educators went into the field to try and make sure that everyone has a better life, so I hope that comes across.”
Maya Disher • Nov 30, 2022 at 7:46 am
The different perspectives shown throughout the article give a lot of variety to the story and make it overall more compelling.
Paige Van Duyne • Nov 22, 2022 at 10:37 am
The entire story lightly outlines Strakas journey throughout the years. That is done very well. I love how their are different POVs from students in his classes. The quote paragraphs do a very good job telling more of Strakas great qualities.
Aidan Primeau • Nov 22, 2022 at 10:23 am
Lavender, I loved the way that you told Mr. Straka’s story. The way that the quotes and fact paragraphs come together really help show the emotion in how Straka went from being a scared middle school teacher to becoming many students favorite teacher.
Sydney Rodd • Nov 22, 2022 at 8:02 am
Lavender, a Best of SNO article on your first one! Amazing job! I love how you tell Mr. Straka’s story of why he is a teacher and how he has helped students. I can tell that he has made an impact on students and continues to be an amazing teacher who loves what he does. Overall, this is truly a great article!
Olivia Williams • Nov 21, 2022 at 7:06 pm
This story is very well written. All of the quotes and specific details allow the emotional aspect shine through. The different sides and opinions of this story really help the importance of Mr. Straka shine through. All of the quotes from the students really show how much of an impact he made. The difference language usage and style was also beautifully executed.
Sara Norton • Nov 21, 2022 at 6:14 pm
This story is so well written! The detail and passion in this story make me feel excited for Mr.Straka without personally knowing him. This story gives a unique teacher perspective on what it is like to impact your students’ life beyond the lessons teachers teach their students.
Caroline Peleske • Nov 21, 2022 at 9:12 am
This article goes in depth of his story and his achievements. Overall the quotes and the writing style really helps pull the story together and helps paint an image about this topic.
Kennedy Williams • Nov 20, 2022 at 5:34 pm
The quotes help to grow the ideas portrayed in each fact paragraph. The writer created a background and incorporated his own personal experiences with his current profession. The information from his youth helps make a timeline for the reader to understand the length of dedication and pieces of want into him winning the Claes award. The Sydney Rodd quote helped show how Straka impacts individual lives and how his teaching can change and form the most important decisions. The information subtly incorporates the emotional aspect of a story that helps readers relate to it and connect their own memories and desires to Straka and students.
Kaylee Kellogg • Nov 8, 2022 at 9:50 am
Straka going into middle school scared biology, his mom saying is his favorite class, and now him being a biology teacher shows great reflection. The article as a whole was very strong and he feels worthy of the award. You can see that he really cares about his students and likes his job which is super important for teachers.