Bach “tightens the screws”, reinforces old rules
Principal Robert Bach monitors the rotunda during lunch passing time. One of the policies is that students get to class on time, and need an e-hallpass to be out of class during that time.
January 16, 2022
After almost two years outside of school, reports of behavioral problems and faltering grades have been on the rise. Students have grown accustomed to the freedom of Zoom classes, and may have forgotten the fact that in-person school is far different.
A video of Principal Robert Bach was sent out to teachers on Nov. 15, instructing them to share it with their fifth hour classes. The video was a comedic, but informative reminder of old school policies.
“I think there’s just been an increased level of need. We’ve seen higher numbers of students struggling academically…higher numbers of low level behavior,” Bach said. “It was just a time to reinforce some of the basics to get that foundation in place so that learning can take place.”
The policies being more strongly imposed are the cell phone policy, the hall pass policy and the tardy policy. Students must now always keep their phone in their bag and “off of their person” during class time. They also must have a green e-hall pass in order to be in the halls during class time, and teachers can now assign detention to students who are chronically late.
“The rules have always been in place,” Bach said. To him, it is more a reminder or reinforcement of some of the pieces that they did not have to go out of their way to remind students of before.
There have been mixed reviews of what students see as the new policies, despite them always being in place. Some think that they are too strict, while others may not think that real problems are being addressed.
“I think the video just kind of came off to them as more like satire than an actual serious thing,” sophomore Henry Sween said. However, as a whole, he thinks that the policies “are definitely affecting people in a positive way.”
The updated tardy or late policy is one that has gained a lot of controversy from students. Many say that three tardies earning someone detention is far too few, and that the parking lot congestion should be solved in order to reduce tardies instead. However, there is no plan to implement a ‘grace period’ at the beginning of the day for normal road conditions.
“I feel like if it was fully enforced, and they discuss what happened…it could be beneficial,” Sween said.
Others do not necessarily feel the same. Senior Annika Berggren does not see it as a good thing, and thinks more tardies should be needed to get into detention as it seems like too big of a consequence.
Some never even noticed an issue with the old school policies in the first place. Students said that phones were often put away during class time, and people have been in class and ready to learn by the time the bell rang.
“Maybe there were a few freshman messing around a little bit, but other than that, it’s been pretty good,” Berggren said.
The amount of change people have seen in their classrooms varies. Classrooms with teachers who were already strict with the policies, requiring cell phones to be put away in a special caddy or not allowing people to leave without a pass, saw very little change. Though, there were also many classrooms that glossed over the rules, with some teachers sending kids out without a pass if their destination is nearby.
“I don’t feel like there are many to say that there has been a whole ton of change,” Sween said. “As the student body, some of us will take it more seriously than others, but I think that comes with every policy change,” he added.
Overall, the general consensus seems to be that the policies have been a positive change around the school. Though not popular with everyone, grades are rising, tardies have decreased, and things are slowly but surely going back to normal.
Garin Warner • Nov 1, 2022 at 6:27 pm
I really like the tittle. It gives an intense or exciting feeling which I really like that. I also think the picture was perfect because it feels like school is in action with the people moving and Bach just standing there.
Olivia Kuslich • Feb 14, 2022 at 11:02 am
This story does a great job spreading the word about the policies being put into place this year. Your descriptions of these policies are very clear and I enjoyed how the lead ties into the conclusion so well.
maddy young • Feb 14, 2022 at 8:13 am
This story is really well written and covers a lot of important details and points. Really nicely done.
Brady Lau • Feb 13, 2022 at 11:51 pm
I enjoyed hearing Bach’s perspective as the one who enforces the rules. It’s valuable to hear his voice as well as the students you interviewed. However, I would’ve liked to hear the perspective of maybe a teacher who decides what to do with the rules.
Jeremiah Swartz • Feb 13, 2022 at 10:15 pm
You do an excellent job of explaining the need for the rules and how it affects student proficiency which ultimately reflects on teachers and the need for the new regulations.
Sara Norton • Feb 13, 2022 at 7:25 pm
Amazing work Tyler! You explained how Bach is “tightening the screws” perfectly, and showed how it has positively impacted our school despite upset students.
Taya Hehn • Feb 13, 2022 at 7:17 pm
I love how you included different perspectives on the topic. You can tell that you took time to do your research. This article actually helped me learn more about these new policies. Great job!
Sophia Arndt • Feb 13, 2022 at 6:16 pm
Well written article that lends perspective, both from faculty and students, to old rules now being enforced. The student interviews were very well done!
Sydney Rodd • Feb 13, 2022 at 12:17 pm
I learned more from this article than I expected to. The quote in the title drew me in and made the article stand out from its title alone. The multiple perspectives on the “new” rules were very informative and showed what people are thinking about the change. It surprised me that people forgot these policies were in effect before the pandemic began. Effective quotes were used to describe the thoughts of students on the policies.
Ava Stein • Feb 12, 2022 at 11:27 am
I truly learned a lot from this article. I enjoyed reading different perspectives and opinions on the topic. Your conclusion wrapped up the article nicely, addressing all opinions and facts.
Sienna Xiong • Feb 11, 2022 at 8:58 am
I liked how it covers different perspectives. Not only students opinions but it also covers the reasoning. It gives context to students and understanding. I think picking Principal Bach was a good choice as well, to see the principals perspective.
Jasmine Allison • Jan 31, 2022 at 8:17 am
I really liked the use of an interesting quote in the title. It make’s it stand out. I also like how you brought in multiple sides of the issue. I liked how you brought in a student who had one opinion, another student who had another opinion and Mr. Bach. How you concluded the article is very nice as well.
Evelyn Biederman • Jan 21, 2022 at 8:19 am
Good job including and explaining multiple perspectives/opinions on the new rules. The lead is very informative and I feel like I learned what the new policies are that I wasn’t aware of. Effective quotes as well.