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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

Stillwater graduate Ben Valerius ('19) attends his virtual Ballet One class. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Valerius has had to have his classes for his Bachelor of Performing Arts degree online.

Valerius overcomes challenges in his first year as BPA student

Charlie Valerius, Online Editor April 15, 2020

The saying “the show must go on” has been a traditional term in the theatre culture for a long time. During a global pandemic, Stillwater graduate Ben Valerius ('19) is bringing this term to life while...

Senior Morgan Grim is exited by receiving a $10,000 art scholarship from Bergen Scholarship, for her photography skills.

Morgan Grim wins $10,000 art scholarship

Ashlynn O’Connor, Social Media Editor May 9, 2019

Well-rounded senior Morgan Grim grew up with a love of art. Just about a month ago, Grim was surprised with a $10,000 art scholarship from Berggren Scholarships. With the scholarship she will attend the...

Ana Reding, Olivia Arkell, Lauren Greeder, Olivia Konigson and Abbi Paduano lining up to sing the national anthem on Dec. 10 game against Forest Lake. Senior Olivia Arkell and senior Lauren Greeder are this year's hockey captains. “Honestly I just try to be a leader and try to make it fun. I do not like to tell people what to do so I just encourage them in a different way,” Greeder says why she thinks she got chosen to be a captain this year.

Lauren Greeder commits to UMD for softball

Madison Crain, Layout Editor January 12, 2016

  Senior Lauren Greeder has accomplished her goal of playing a college sport at The University of Minnesota-Duluth. She will be playing softball. Greeder also is a captain of the hockey team...

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