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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

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The student news site of Stillwater Area High School

The Pony Express

On Jan. 25, varsity skaters finished out their final performance for the 2021-2022 season at the boys hockey game against East Ridge. The team had their first group of seniors graduating since 2020.

Varsity figure skating team closes out successful season

Chelsea Stahl, Social Media Editor March 3, 2022

For most high schoolers, a Saturday morning is spent sleeping in late. This is not the case for the Stillwater varsity figure skating team. Every Saturday morning before the hour of  6 a.m. a group of...

The district website was released on Jan. 12 after over a year of redesigning by district staff. The site is fully accessible, mobile-friendly, and has a quick translate option located in the bottom right corner.

District implements new website

Nissa Wilcox, Layout Editor March 5, 2021

The Stillwater Area School District released a new website in January which looks far different than the old and dated website from previous years. The new website features a quick links tab for families...

Senior Joelle Carpenter on the court in an away match versus Park High school, down and ready for a pass in one of the last games on the season.

Chevals adapt to changes amidst COVID-19 guidelines

Tucker Wyland, Podcast Reporter January 25, 2021

In the ever changing world, much has deviated from normalcy. As a nation we have had to adapt in order to continue to do the things that we love in life that have been changed in a few short months...

The Chevals Varsity Dance team practices via zoom since the covid-19 restrictions doesn't allow them to rehearse in person. This impacts  each dancer differently from seniors to middle schoolers.

Dancers are effected by the change of season

Sophia Agnessi, Layout Editor December 9, 2020
The Chevals Varsity Dance team practices via zoom since the covid-19 restrictions doesn't allow them to rehearse in person. This impacts each dancer differently from seniors to middle schoolers.
The Chevals perform at their final home football game of the fall season.  The girls show off their new Pom routine Oct. 20.

Chevals winter season kicks off this November

Olivia Fear, Copy Editor November 26, 2020

The Chevals have officially begun their winter season. The Chevals are a competitive dance team who compete and perform both locally, and travel for a few competitions each year. Many girls joined the...

Sophie Privette balances two winter sports

Sophie Privette balances two winter sports

Julia Bennett, Social Media Editor-in-Chief December 15, 2019

Sophomore Sophie Privette began her skating career at the age of three. Over the past few years, she has taken her passion to the next level by joining the varsity performance team in eighth grade....

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